Tag "new at HSE"

Lasers, Magnetic Stimulation and a Robotic Arm: How Researchers at HSE University Study the Brain

Lasers, Magnetic Stimulation and a Robotic Arm: How Researchers at HSE University Study the Brain
The Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICN) at HSE University has recently added state-of-the-art laboratory equipment to its range of tools for studying brain function. The News Service visited the Institute to learn more about the uses of infrared lasers, optical tomography and a unique robotic arm, as well as why research into vascular tone is important, which parts of the brain can be stimulated to make people more generous, and how the Institute’s research can help treat diseases.

HSE University and Business Russia to Establish Bioeconomy Advisory Board

HSE University and Business Russia to Establish Bioeconomy Advisory Board
The decision to establish the Advisory Board was made during a meeting between the Investment Club of Business Russia (‘Delovaya Rossiya’, an all-Russia public organization), and the HSE University Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, which launched a new Master’s Programme in Bioeconomics last year. The Advisory Board will include leading researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors working in the fields of biotechnology, environmental studies, and sustainable development. Sergey Nedoroslev, Business Russia Co-Chair, and Alexander Tonevitsky, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology at HSE University, will also serve as board members.

Reformatting Research Activity: First Large-Scale Projects Launched at HSE University

Faculty of Humanities
Less than a year ago, the Faculty of Humanities at HSE University launched four large-scale projects, bringing together representatives of different disciplines from different departments and campuses of the University. Their goals, content, staffing and expected results were presented at a meeting of the Rector’s Council. Other departments have been tasked with developing their own large-scale projects, which HSE University will be able to include in its application for the ‘Priority 2030’ programme.

Yandex and HSE – St. Petersburg to Open a Natural Language Laboratory

Yandex and HSE – St. Petersburg to Open a Natural Language Laboratory
The laboratory will study natural language texts, develop deep learning methods for their generation, and analyze computational linguistic data. Yandex, as a project partner, will help attract leading experts in artificial intelligence and data analysis to work in the laboratory on a long-term basis. The laboratory will be headed by Ivan Yamshchikov, Yandex Research Fellow and Associate Professor of Informatics at HSE University – St. Petersburg.

International Laboratory of Bioinformatics Opens at the Faculty of Computer Science

International Laboratory of Bioinformatics Opens at the Faculty of Computer Science
On January 25, 2021, an International Laboratory of Bioinformatics opened at the Faculty of Computer Science. The main goal of the laboratory is to determine the role of alternative DNA structures in the genome.

HSE University Becomes the First Russian University to Confer a Doctoral Degree in Computer Science

HSE University Becomes the First Russian University to Confer a Doctoral Degree in Computer Science
Upon successfully defending his dissertation before HSE Dissertation Council in Computer Science, Pavel Dvurechensky became the first Doctor of Computer Science in Russia. This was possible thanks to the fact that, starting in 2018, HSE University received the right to award its own academic degrees.

HSE Department of Innovation Management Launches Joint Project with Skolkovo

HSE Department of Innovation Management Launches Joint Project with Skolkovo
BioMedTech is a business incubator created by the HSE University Department of Innovation Management and Skolkovo biomedical cluster. The aim of this pilot project is to combine scholarly research with the entrepreneurial competencies of the University’s students and teachers for the purpose of launching new business projects in biomedicine.

Defending a Doctor of Science Thesis at HSE University under New Procedure

Defending a Doctor of Science Thesis at HSE University under New Procedure
Dean Fantazzini, Deputy Head of the Department of Econometrics and Mathematical Methods in Economics at Moscow School of Economics in Moscow State University and Visiting Scholar at the HSE ICEF, was the first foreigner to defend his DSc thesis at HSE University. We spoke with Dean Fantazzini about his research and cooperation with HSE.

Winners of the HSE International Laboratory Proposal Competition Announced

Winners of the HSE International Laboratory Proposal Competition Announced
This year’s HSE competition for the creation of international laboratories which considered proposals for the period of January 1, 2021 – December 21, 2023, was conducted from June 15 to December 15, 2020.

45 Students Admitted to HSE’s New Combined Master’s-PhD Track

45 Students Admitted to HSE’s New Combined Master’s-PhD Track
HSE University’s new combined Master’s-PHD track programme received 212 applications from first-year master’s students this year. Of these, 45 students were admitted to the track to study at a combined total of 17 doctoral schools at HSE. The combined Master's-PhD track, which was launched just this year, provides a new form of support for students who study in state-funded slots and intend to pursue careers in academia.