Tag "Reporting an event"

Russian-Italian Projects in Biomedicine Discussed at HSE University

Leonid Gokhberg, Aldo Spallone, Nikita Anisimov and Matteo Feurra
HSE University hosted an international mini-conference titled 'Search for new ways to develop Russian-Italian cooperation in the field of Biomedicine,' attended by scientists from both countries and HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov.

‘You Need to Know a Lot of Ideas and Algorithms, Come Up with Something Unconventional’

‘You Need to Know a Lot of Ideas and Algorithms, Come Up with Something Unconventional’
A student of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, Andrey Kuznetsov, has become the winner of the 2024 Data Fusion Contest. He took first place in solving geoanalytics tasks, and also won the special ‘Companion’ category. The competition took place as part of the 2024 Data Fusion conference on big data and AI technologies. Researchers from HSE University presented the results of their work and demonstrated applied developments at the conference.

Artificial Intelligence Tested by Kant Philosophy

Artificial Intelligence Tested by Kant Philosophy
The Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad) recently hosted an International Congress entitled ‘The World Concept of Philosophy’ in honour of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the philosopher and thinker Immanuel Kant. The event brought together about 500 scientists and experts from 23 countries. HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov took part in the opening plenary session of the congress titled ‘Critique of Artificial Intelligence: Being and Cognition in the Context of Artificial Intelligence Development.’

HSE Hosts Round Table ‘Africa and BRICS: Reflections and Prospects’

HSE Hosts Round Table ‘Africa and BRICS: Reflections and Prospects’
On April 15, 2024 HSE University hosted a roundtable discussion ‘Africa and BRICS: Reflections and Prospects.’ The event featured leading experts from the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) Steven Gruzd and Gustavo de Carvalho and was moderated by HSE Vice Rector and Head of the BRICS Expert Council–Russia Victoria Panova.

Creating a New International Monetary Order: Experts Discuss Financial Issues of BRICS Countries at HSE University

Creating a New International Monetary Order: Experts Discuss Financial Issues of BRICS Countries at HSE University
On April 10th, 2024, a strategic session on monetary and financial cooperation among the majority of world countries was held at HSE University. The event was organised by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia. The main expert at the session was Ali Benouari, formerly holding positions as Algeria's Minister of Treasury and an expert at the Committee on Public Debt, now an advisor to Algeria's Ministers of Finance and Economy.

‘Fine-Tuning the Molecule’: Prospects for Biosimilar Market in BRICS Space

‘Fine-Tuning the Molecule’: Prospects for Biosimilar Market in BRICS Space
The market for biological products and their analogues is one of the most promising in the pharmaceutical industry. BRICS countries currently have great opportunities to develop this segment. The International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre at HSE University, together with the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, held a meeting of the BRICS Working Group for the Research of Competition Issues in Pharmaceutical Markets.

HSE University Hosts the First Meeting of Russian NGO Representatives as Part of BRICS Civil Track

HSE University Hosts the First Meeting of Russian NGO Representatives as Part of BRICS Civil Track
More than 50 representatives of non-profit organisations took part in the meeting, where they discussed the event plan for 2024 and thematic areas of activity of the working groups of the BRICS Civil Forum, scheduled to be held in Moscow in July 2024. The BRICS civil track’s operations are coordinated by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia.

BRICS Expert Council–Russia Launched at HSE University

BRICS Expert Council–Russia Launched at HSE University
The official presentation of the BRICS Expert Council – Russia has taken place at HSE University. The Council will be responsible for the information, analytical and expert support of the Russian BRICS Chairship 2024.

HSE and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Agree on Joint Research Projects

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
HSE University-St Petersburg and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), a leading Indian university, have agreed to launch joint research projects in the field of social, political studies, humanities, and data analysis for master's students. On the Russian side, this work will be coordinated by the HSE St Petersburg School of Social Sciences.

‘The Competition Lets Students Feel Like Scientists’

‘The Competition Lets Students Feel Like Scientists’
On February 5, 2024, the award ceremony for the winners and laureates of the Student Research Paper Competition (SRPS) 2023 took place. The competition received 1,730 papers in 25 categories from university students across Russia.