On April 7-10, the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at HSE will hold the Fifth LCSR International Workshop ‘Social and Cultural changes in cross-national perspective: Subjective Well-being, Trust, Social capital and Values’ which will take place as part of the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Attending this year’s conference is Arne L. Kalleberg, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina. He recently spoke with the HSE news service about the challenges facing labour force research, the situation with unemployment in Russia, and his interest in developing collaboration with researchers at HSE.
Tag "conferences & seminars"
Lyubov Borusiak, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, School of Integrated Communications will be giving a paper at the XVI International April Conference on Economic and Social Development about her research into social networks and what young Russians read. She talked to the HSE English Language News service about her findings and about whether Russian reading habits are changing with the new generation.
With less than a month until the XVI International April Conference opens in Moscow, academics from HSE St Petersburg are preparing sections and seminars on a broad range of research topics from space exploration in pre-revolutionary Russia to contemporary happiness and work.
The XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development is scheduled to take place from April 7-10, 2015, but plans are already underway among the organizers and participants alike. Recently, Dale Jorgenson, Samuel W. Morris University Professor of Economics at Harvard University, spoke with the HSE news service about his long history of cooperation with HSE. Professor Jorgenson, an internationally recognized expert on information technology and economic growth, among other subjects, shared his expectations for this year’s conference.
Director of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies Professor Andrei Yakovlev participated in the meeting of the EACES Executive Committee that took place in Brussels on February 6, 2015.
HSE has hosted the first patient conference ‘Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): sharing experience to help people with ALS. The event was organized by a group of relatives of people with ALS, in conjunction with the Federal State Public Scientific Institution ‘Neurological Science Centre’, and the ALS Support Service at the Miloserdie medical centre. The HSE’s International College of Economics and Finance and the Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioral Economics acted as co-organizers. Volunteers, psychologists, and doctors in various specialties who are involved in treating people with ALS also took part.
On November 19-20, 2014, HSE hosted the conference ‘Global Governance: Nominal, Real and Alternative Structures’. The conference focused largely on the paradigm shift in geopolitical and geoeconomic structures of the modern world, as well as the underlying causes and long-term implications of such changes. Professor Alan Cafruny of Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, presented a paper at the Conference focused on the crisis of Europe’s economic and monetary union. We talked with Professor Cafruny as he shared his opinion on the union, Germany’s role in NATO, and much more.
The HSE University District in Perm hosted the first International Scientific-Practical Conference to discuss the new stage of development of the University−School Cluster, investment in contemporary pre-school education and innovations in education in China and the US. HSE’s Deputy Academic Supervisor, Professor of Economics, Lev Lubimov, Honorary Professor at the Teaching College, Washington University (Seattle) Steven T. Kerr (via online conferencing), Director of the HSE Institute for Educational Studies, Professor Irina Abankina and Reader at the Chinese Academy of Pedagogical Research, Tsian Xiaoyang all took part.
From November 10 to 14, the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research’s (LCSR NRU HSE) 4th International Annual Research Conference ‘Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective’ will take place in St. Petersburg. The programme includes dozens of themed sessions on current social, political and economic problems, and lectures by the world’s leading sociologists.
On November 6-7, 2014, the Higher School of Economics will hold the IV International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and STI Policy’.
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