Tag "conferences & seminars"

A New Scale for Universities

A new, innovative method of university ranking was presented in Moscow at the international conference ‘Lessons of multi-dimension ranking of Russian universities. Gero Federkeil, leading expert at the CHE-Centre for Educational Development, Germany, and expert at IREG, participated in developing  the methodology of the new Russian ranking and spoke to us about these new Russian and European university rankings.

Internet Interviewing Will Become the Dominant Survey Mode in the Social Sciences in the Next 10–20 years

The Third LCSR International Workshop is being held in Saint Petersburg from April 26–30, 2013. Marcel Das, Director of CentERdata since 2000, and  Professor of Econometrics and Data Collection at Tilburg University, talked to the HSE News Portal beforehand about the topic he would present to the workshop; Innovation in Online Data Collection for Scientific Research.

HSE Academic Supervisor, Professor Evgeniy Yasin, opened the XIV HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.

The XIV HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development started in Moscow on April 2, 2013. HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeniy Yasin addressed the first plenary session on the Global Economic Crisis and the Russian Economy.

‘Russia’s Present Attracts Great Interest Now, and the Same Is True of Russia’s Past’

Yoshisada Shida, Research Associate at the Hitotsubashi University, Japan, will be one of the speakers at the XIV HSE April International Aca­demic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He gave a special interview for the HSE News Service.

‘The Main Topic of the April Conference is Human Capital’

Evgeniy Yasin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE, on the main themes and participants of the April Conference.

‘In the Context of a Strong Demographic Policy’

Dr. Jose Antonio Ortega from the University of Salamanka (Universidad de Salamanca) will be one of the speakers at the XIV HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He gave a special interview to the HSE news service.

‘As Sociologists, We Have a Unique Perspective on the World’

Shannon Davis, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology of George Mason University (USA) is visiting Moscow this week for the seminar ‘From the Great Recession to Greater Gender Equality? Family Mobility and the Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender’ organized by the HSE Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology. It will take place on March 19.

Dr. Patricia Graham: ‘The Global Challenge is in Educating a Character’

Patricia Albjerg Graham, a leading historian of American education, visited Moscow and St. Petersburg this week. HSE hosted a seminar on the problems of modern education where Patricia Graham provided a wide review on the current situation of American education.

Russia Holland Inter-University Partnership

On the 15th-16th November on the eve of the “Crossroads” Russia- Holland year, HSE held a conference for the directors of leading universities in Holland and Russia. “The Russia-Holland inter-university partnership: new academic and scientific priorities.”

Russian and Dutch Universities: Meeting at the HSE

From November 15th – 16th a conference of the Russian-Dutch Universities Leaders ‘Russian-Dutch University Partnerships: Shaping Innovative Academic and Research Agenda’ will take place at the HSE. Olga Moshkova, HSE Director for International Cooperation, told us about aims of the conference.