Tag "conferences & seminars"

‘We Have Utilised the Strengths of Two Events’

‘We Have Utilised the Strengths of Two Events’
On October 14, HSE University will host the 11th ICEF-CInSt International Moscow Finance Conference. This year’s event is the result of the joint organisational efforts of the International Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE ICEF) and the Centre for Institutional Studies (CinSt). Vladimir Sokolov and Maria Semenova, members of the conference's organising committee, spoke to the HSE News Service about the programme and participants of the event.

‘Korea for Much of the World Has Been Far Away and Remote, but in the Present, It Seems Closer and at Times Everywhere’

‘Korea for Much of the World Has Been Far Away and Remote, but in the Present, It Seems Closer and at Times Everywhere’
The international conference ‘Korea Uncovered: Global and Local Challenges (late XIX – mid XX century)’ is underway at HSE University on October 7–8. Why do they say that Korea was discovering the world and opening up during this period? The HSE News Service talked about the issues discussed at the conference with its organisers and participants.

‘Computer Methods of Cognitome Analysis’ Conference to Explore New Perspectives on Memory and Consciousness

‘Computer Methods of Cognitome Analysis’ Conference to Explore New Perspectives on Memory and Consciousness
On September 1–3, the HSE International Laboratory of Algebraic Topology and Its Applications will host the international conference 'Computer Methods of Cognitome Analysis'. Konstantin Sorokin, Research Assistant at the Laboratory and organiser of the conference, spoke about the main topics of the event and his hope that it will inspire pure mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists to apply their knowledge and intuition to the problems of brain-function mechanisms.

HSE University Hosts ‘Public Sector Development and Data-driven Government’ Conference

HSE University Hosts ‘Public Sector Development and Data-driven Government’ Conference
How can the metaverse help to improve public administration? Can gamification change attitudes to data? And how can governments create ethical data policies? On June 29–30 2022, the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration held an online conference dedicated to these questions and more. The conference was organised and moderated by Laboratory Head Evgeny Styrin and Leading Research Fellow Anna Sanina.

Why Serious Scholars Around the World Study Comics

Why Serious Scholars Around the World Study Comics
What do Maya ceramics and pictures on 18th-century Russian stoves have to do with comics? What are the specific characteristics of Russian, Asian and American comics? How do comics reflect social issues? These and many other questions were discussed at the 7th Russian Comics Conference ‘The World of Comics’, which was held online in March by the HSE Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies.

‘Working on the Fringes of Philosophy and Discovering New Territory’

‘Working on the Fringes of Philosophy and Discovering New Territory’
On January 10-11, metaphysics negativity research group from the HSE University School of Philosophy held its first international event, an online conference entitled ‘Defining Nothingness’. One of the members of the organizing committee, as well as some of the international participants share their impressions and talk about their research.

Faculty of Social Sciences Launches New Joint Seminar Series with New York University

Faculty of Social Sciences Launches New Joint Seminar Series with New York University
In November 2021, HSE University’s School of Politics and Governance and the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (New York University) started a new partnership project that involves regular joint online seminars. Denis Stukal, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Deputy Director of the Institute for Applied Political Studies, has commented on the initiative.

The Results of the International Conference on Applied Research in Economics iCare-2021

The Results of the International Conference on Applied Research in Economics iCare-2021
Within the framework of the IX International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare), topical issues of behavioral economics, finance, banking, labor and education economics, and environmental economics were discussed. The conference was held online and brought together researchers from Russia, India, USA, Germany and other countries. We summarize and publish the recordings of the reports.

The Second International Conference on Experience Economy: Key Speakers and Sessions

The Second International Conference on Experience Economy: Key Speakers and Sessions
The 2nd International Conference on Experience Economy: Museum, Event, and Tourism Management will be held at HSE University in Perm from October 20–22. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Region will be the general partner of the conference. The HSE News Service highlights some of the key speakers and sessions of the event.

‘Today, Ethical Questions Are Front and Centre’

‘Today, Ethical Questions Are Front and Centre’
The conference on Philosophy and Culture in Time of Pandemics ran from September 30 to 2 October 2021. It was divided into seven sessions held in a hybrid format. The organizers and participants discussed major topics such as social transformation during the pandemic, the role of mass media in shaping perceptions of the pandemic, and the epistemological and ethical issues that have arisen as a result.