List of Eligible Journals
The list of eligible journals refers to a list of journals featuring publications that may be considered for the provision of Academic Merit Bonuses, research productivity assessment and other procedures. The list is developed and approved by the HSE Academic Fund Programme Council.
The list includes three parts that reflect the scholarly ranking and prestige of academic journals and may be considered for the provision of Academic Merit Bonuses at HSE University: the List of Priority Journals, the List of Eligible Journals for publication in which a Tier 3 bonus may be granted, and the Additional List of Journals.
Список А UPD (10.11.2021) / Журналы, учитываемые при назначении академической надбавки 3-го уровня
Список издательств, учитываемых при назначении надбавки 3-го уровня (за монографии)