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Anna Melnikova
- Anna Melnikova has been at HSE University since 2010.
Master's in Political Science
Russian State University for the Humanities
Bachelor's in Political Science
HSE University
Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience
- Joint two-year human rights Master's programme of the consortiumof russian universities with the support of office of the United Nations Hight Commissioner for Human Rights and the European inter-university center for human rights and democratisation (2010-2012)
- European Inter-University Center for Human Rights and Democratisation, Италия (2011)
- Human Righta Oriental Programme at OHCHR in GENEVA (2012)
- Pre-Degree Apprenticeship in Institute of political and international studies, Budapest (2012)
- The Moscow School of Civic Education. Graduate 2013
Professional interests
- The role of Muss Comunications in combating corruption:
- Global Anti-Corruption Experience;
- Corruption in Latin America and Asia-Pacific region;
- The Relationship Between combating Corruption and defending Human Rights;
- Using Gaming Techniques in Anti-Corruption;
- Anti-corruption social advertising.
Supervision of the project "The History of Global Corruption".
Mentoring of the project "Studying the role of mass communication in combationg corruption".
Supervision of projects related to the study of the role of game mechanics and technologies in the combating corruption and shaping an anti-corruption ideology.
Work with students interested in aspects of the international anti-corruption experience, as well as the relationship between corruption and violation of human rights.
Working with students studying international experience in protecting the rights of complainants of corruption.
Mentoring anti-corruption education in schools
Courses (2023/2024)
- Research Seminar "Modern Corruption and Current Issues of Anti-corruption Policy, Principles of Good Governance" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Law field of study Law, field of study Law; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2022/2023)
- Research seminar "Modern Corruption and Current Issues of Anti-Corruption Policy, Principles of Good Governance" «Modern Corruption and Current Issues of Anti-Corruption Policy, Principles of Good Governance» (Master’s programme; Faculty of Law field of study Law, field of study Law; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- July, 2009. Moscow. RSUH. V International conference "Hierarch and power in the history of civivlizations ".
- December, 2009. Moscow. Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Russia and Africa: international cooperation to establish a world democratic order
- October, 2010. Moscow. NRU HSE. Cultural aspects and law enforcement practice in the field of human rights in Central Asia.
- November, 2010. Moscow.Russian Political Science Association. Changing Russia: political agendas and strategies.
- December, 2010. Saint-Petersburg. HRRCenter. Legislation and civil society: problems and prospects.
- February, 2011. Moscow. NRU HSE. Cultural aspects and law enforcement practice in the field of human rights in the Caucasus region.
- February, 2011. Moscow. NRU HSE. Cultural Aspects and Law Enforcement Practices in the Field of Human Rights in the Far East and Southeast Asia.
- April, 2011. Saint-Petersburg. SPSU. XXVI International Scientific Conference on Source Study and Historiography of Asian and African Countries "Modernization and Traditions"
- May 2011. Moscow. NRU HSE. Cultural Aspects and Law Enforcement Practices in the Field of Human Rights in South Asia
- May, 2011. Budapest. Central European University. 17th Annual Conference of the HPSA "Structures and Futures of Europe".
- May, 2011. Moscow. Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. XII International Conference of Africanists "Africa in the face of a changing paradigm of world development".
- July, 2011. Moscow. NRU HSE. Cultural Aspects and Law Enforcement Practices in the Field of Human Rights in the Middle East.
Employment history
- 2009-2010 Expert. Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences . Department of international relations.
- 2010 till now - Laboratory for Anti-Corruption Policy
The most importent projects
In 2011 - 2013 provided a series of round tables about cultural aspects of combating corruption in diffrent countries. We resaerched spetiasl aspect of understanding corruption in different countries based on its cultual aspects and historical background.
2011 till now studying the world experience of anti-corruption education and the possibility of its use in Russia
2014 till now developing game methods in teaching corruption
2017 comparative studes of the world experience in combating corruption
2019 Studing the role of social advertising as an efficient mean of anti-corruption education
Place of employment, position