Evgeny Zhiltsov
- Research Assistant: Institute of Education / Laboratory for University Development
- Evgeny Zhiltsov has been at HSE University since 2023.
Bachelor'sSt Petersburg Mining University
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XV Международная конференция исследователей высшего образования (конференция ИВО) (Москва). Presentation: Индивидуальные и средовые факторы результативности аспирантов
III Томский форум «Преобразование образования» (Томск). Presentation: Индивидуальные и средовые факторы результативности аспирантов
From November 7 to 9, the III Tomsk International Forum "Transformation of Education" took place, during which the staff of the "University Development" Laboratory organized a platform and delivered presentations.
From May 26 to June 2, 2024, a team of researchers from HSE embarked on a student expedition to the Ivanovo Region, focusing on the development of the interuniversity campus in the city of Ivanovo and higher education in general.
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