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Final State Certification at HSE University

The Final State Certification (FSC) at the HSE University is governed by the Regulations on Final State Certification of Students in Bachelor’s, Specialist, and Master’s Degree Programmes. This framework prescribes the procedure and rules for conducting the FSC for students across all modes of study, including regional campuses of the University, and outlines the procedures for establishing and operating the State Examination Boards (SEBs)

For students completing accredited degree programmes, the FSC is compulsory. The specific set of mandatory state certification exams that constitute the FSC for each degree programme is detailed within the educational standards underpinning the programme, particularly in the section "Requirements for Programme Structure."

The FSC may include one or more of the following state certification examinations:

  • State Exam: This could be a final exam for an individual course or an interdisciplinary exam relevant to the field of study or major.
  • Thesis Defence: This is the defence of the final graduation paper.

Students should know that:

  • Thesis defence is mandatory;
  • Specific technologies for holding final state examinations shall be selected by any given degree programme;
  • All sessions of State Examination Boards and Appeals Committees will be recorded;
  • The submission of the final version of a thesis is done by uploading it to LMS (no hard copy is needed).
  • The completion of the Studies under a Core Degree Programme

    The completion of studies under a degree programme

     Only those students who have mastered their core degree programmes in full (that is, fulfilled their individual curricula) may progress to the final state certification stage.

  • Acknowledgment of requirements and special aspects of the Final State Certification (FSC)

    The FSC Schedule

     This shall be published no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the first final state examination

     Corporate e-mail – Degree programme’s webpage

    The Composition of the Appeals Committee

     The following information shall be both published and mailed out to students:

    • Members and Secretary of the Appeals Committee, including their contact details;
    • Procedure for filing appeals;
    • Procedure for familiarisation with the committee’s minutes.

     This shall be published no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the first final state examination

     Corporate e-mail – Degree programme’s webpage

    FSC Technology

     The following information shall be both published and mailed out to students:

    •  Technological specifications for taking each final state examination;
    • Procedure for submitting written examination to the SCB (if a state exam is held in writing).

     This shall be published no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the first final state examination

     Corporate e-mail – Degree programme’s webpage

    The submission deadline for the final version of a thesis

     The deadline and procedure for uploading a final thesis version, along with the information on options, timeframe and procedure for uploading a presentation for a thesis defence, shall be both published and mailed out to students.

     The submission of the final version of a thesis is done by uploading it to LMS (no hard copy is needed)

     This shall be published no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the first final state examination

     Corporate e-mail – Degree programme’s webpage

    The option for submitting a presentation

     Information about the option, timeline and procedure for submitting presentations/other materials for thesis defence shall be published and forwarded via e-mail so as to the SCB members can familiarize themselves with these materials in advance 

     This shall be published no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the first final state examination

     Corporate e-mail – Degree programme’s webpage

    Assigning students to groups

     List of student groups for taking final state examinations shall be published no later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days prior to the first examination  

     Degree programme’s webpage

    Information about the SCB

     Information about the Chairperson of the State Certification Board (the SCB), lists of members of local SCBs, as well as Secretaries of local SCBs 

     No later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days prior to the first examination

     Degree programme’s webpage

    Additional Rules and Information

     The following shall be published and forwarded via e-mail:

    • Additional rules for holding final state examinations and the Appeals Committee hearings, including those for holding examinations with the application of the proctoring technology;
    • Procedure for identification of a person;
    • Procedures in case any technical problems arise.

     No later than 10 (ten) calendar days prior to the first examination

     Corporate e-mail – Degree programme’s webpage

    Use of video recording

       To guarantee transparency during the Final State Certification process, video recording is required.

     Information about mandatory video recording shall be published no later than 2 (two) working days prior to a given examination

     Degree programme’s webpage

    Assigning students to time slots

     Degree programmes may prepare a schedule for assigning students to start times of state examinations/thesis defence.

     This information shall be published no later than 2 (two) working days prior to a given examination  

     Degree programme’s webpage

  • Uploading a Thesis and Presentation

    1. Uploading a thesis to LMS

     Upload a final thesis version to LMS by the set deadline

      Instructions for uploading theses

     A hard copy, thesis supervisor’s feedback and a sheet from the Antiplagiarism system are not required

     Students who do not meet the deadline for uploading a thesis shall be dismissed from the University for failure to complete the FSC

     The deadline for uploading a thesis shall be set in the directive on holding the FSC but no later than 7 (seven) working days before the thesis defence

    2. Familiarisation with feedbacks and reviews

     Feedback and reviews of the thesis will be available in LMS

     No later than 5 (five) calendar days before the thesis defence

    3. Uploading a presentation for a defence

     Upload a presentation for a thesis defence to LMS

     Information on the option, deadline and procedure for uploading shall be forwarded by a degree programme’s manager

     The uploading deadline shall be set by a given degree programme

  • Taking Final State Examinations

    1. Sitting a state examination (if applicable)

     A specific format shall be determined in the Programme for Holding State Examinations (this document is available on a degree programme’s webpage)

     At verbal state examinations, students shall have at least 45 minutes to prepare their verbal answers

     At state examinations completed in writing, the examination is held for 6 academic hours

    2. Defending a Thesis

     The defence shall start with the presentation of a student’s report on the thesis topic.

     Students should present the core statements of their theses freely, without reading the text.

     Students may use presentations and prepared visual aids (tables, diagrams, etc.)

     The thesis, feedback, review and materials for the defence shall be available to the SCB members and Secretary in advance via LMS


     No specific formula for calculating the final grade is provided. The committee determines the grade through voting, taking into consideration the materials presented and the performance.

     Report on a Bachelor’s thesis shall take up at least 15 minutes

     Report on a Specialist/Master’s report – at least 20 minutes

    3. Learning the results of state examinations

      For announcing results, corporate email, LMS and other electronic means for transmitting information may be used

     For verbal exams, results are announced on the day the exam takes place

     For written exams, no later than the next working day after the day of the examination

  • Valid Excuses for Absence from State Examinations


     Instances of illnesses shall be confirmed by the appropriate medical certificate drawn up as per the official template

     Medical certificates shall be presented to respective programme offices on the day when learners are allowed to resume studies

    Other exceptional circumstances

     Other exceptional circumstances, which may have objectively prevented the student from sitting the state examination, may include the following: 

    • individual curriculum of the student, whose thesis writing and/or defence has been rescheduled for the next academic year;  
    • grave illness or death of a close relative;
    • public/state service;
    • a summons to law enforcement agency/court;  
    • transport-related problems (for instance, flight cancellations/no tickets available, etc.);
    • force-majeure circumstances, including technical failures arising during the state examination process.

     Circumstances related to a student’s work-related obligations may not be claimed as a valid excuse for his/her absence.

     A decision on recognising the claim as a valid excuse shall be made by the faculty dean, in consultation with the degree programme’s academic supervisor

     Documentary evidence for absence must be presented to a respective programme office no later than 3 (three) working days after the missed examination date

  • Appeals

    1. Grounds for filing appeals

     Grounds for lodging an appeal may be as follows:

    • the student believes that a procedural error was committed during the state examination or thesis defence;
    • the student disagrees with the outcomes of the state examination (not applicable for thesis defence).
    2. Filing appeals

     Appeals shall be submitted solely via email to the Appeals Committee (AC) Secretary

    An appeal may contain:

    •  a scanned copy/photo of the signed appeal;
    • e-mail message.

     AC Secretary’s email address must be published on the degree programme’s webpage

    Regulations on Final State Certification at HSE University

    3. Taking part in the Appeals Committee Session

     AC sessions shall be held remotely, analogous to the SCB meetings.  

     A student, who has filed an appeal, shall be invited to the AC session.  

     If the student is absent from the AC session, the latter may proceed in his/her absence

    4. Learning the results of the appeal

     The decision of the Appeals Committee (in the form of the meeting minutes) will be forwarded via e-mail by the AC Secretary to a student

     Within 3 (three) working days after the AC session takes place

     A student is obliged to familiarize him/herself with the AC decision. Such acknowledgement shall be confirmed in a reply to the AC Secretary

     No later than the next working day after the receipt of the e-mail with the AC meeting minutes from the AC Secretary

     Should the student’s reply be not received, a certificate on refusal to acknowledge the AC meeting minutes shall be drawn up

    5. Retaking a final state examination (if the results of the initial examination have been annulled)

     A retake shall be held only if the AC decides on the annulment of the earlier awarded results

     The procedure shall be analogous to that of the FCB meeting

     In order to take part in the repeat SCB session, one of the AC members shall be invited to join it remotely

     Within the timeframe set by the degree programme

  • Completion of Studies and Issuance of Diploma Certificates

    1. Familiarisation with the diploma sample

     Accept the diploma sample and the European supplement thereto in the module “Graduation” via MyHSE Services Account 

     Graduation Module Manual

     The degree programme’s manager shall inform students about the timeframe for the familiarization process

    2. Informing of the requirement to request holidays

     Tick the box to request holidays when accepting the certificate sample in the module “Graduation” via MyHSE Services Account 

     Graduation Module Manual

    Congratulations! You have graduated from HSE University!

     Receive a diploma certificate

      Degree programmes’ manager will inform alumni of the date and time of the graduation ceremony 



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