Tuition Fee Discounts
Tuition fee discounts at HSE University (Moscow) are provided in line with the Regulations on the Provision of Tuition Discounts to Students Studying under Educational Agreements Concluded upon Admission for Studies Funded by Individual and/or Legal Parties.
These Regulations do not apply to:
- Students at HSE University’s regional campuses. The procedures and criteria for discounts at these campuses are determined by their internal bylaws, approved by their respective academic councils.
- Foreign citizens or stateless persons admitted through a separate competition. The procedures and criteria for discounts for these students are also set by HSE University’s internal bylaws.
Categories of Discounts
Centralised Discounts
May be offered on the following grounds:
- Admission to Bachelor’s, Specialist, or Master’s programmes.
- Being the child of an HSE University staff member or a student working at HSE University (excluding those employed under affiliated employment terms).
- Academic performance in Bachelor’s or Specialist programmes (note: discounts are not awarded based on academic performance in Master’s programmes).
Faculty-Funded Discounts
Discounts may also be funded by faculty budgets or the budgets of full-fee-paying programmes, depending on the source of financing.
Centralised Discounts upon Admission to Studies under Bachelor’s/Specialist Programmes
Centralised Discounts upon Admission to Studies under Master’s programmes
Centralised Discounts Based on Performance in Bachelor’s/Specialist Degree Programmes
Faculty-Funded Discounts
Provision of Discounts
If an applicant qualifies for multiple discounts, they may choose one centralised discount to receive.
Centralised discounts are not available to students enrolled in:
- Programmes without places funded by federal subsidies.
- Full-fee-paying programmes, unless explicitly stated in the relevant regulations.
Faculty-funded discounts can be combined with a centralised discount, except for:
- Discounts provided by HSE ICEF.
- Discounts funded by full-fee-paying programmes, unless otherwise specified in the Regulations.
Discounts Based on Academic Performance under Bachelor’s/Specialist Degree Programmes
Students may receive tuition discounts ranging from 25% to 70% if they meet all the following criteria during the previous academic year:
- Has received no disciplinary measures in the form of a reprimand.
- Based on interim assessments for all curriculum elements (before retakes), the student must:
- Have no more than two grades of 4 or 5 on a 10-point scale.
- Have no grades below 4 on a 10-point scale.
- Have no unexcused absences.
Discount Scale:
- 70% discount: Top 15% of students in Moscow or top 10% in Saint Petersburg, based on the last two current ratings.
- 50% discount: Top 25% of students in Moscow or top 20% in Saint Petersburg, based on the last current rating.
- 25% discount: Top 50% of students, based on the last two current ratings.
Determination of Discounts:
- Summer period: The current rating after retakes for the first semester and the rating before retakes for the second semester are used.
- Autumn period*: The current rating after retakes for both the first and second halves of the year is used.
Retention and Adjustment of Discounts:
- Students whose ranking drops after the autumn period will retain the discount size granted during the summer.
- Students who qualify for a discount after autumn retakes will receive it based on a separate directive.
* During the autumn period, the discount is granted to students who did not pass the interim assessment in one or more academic disciplines for a valid reason (in 3rd or 4th modules) but passed the assessments during the retake period, as well as to those students whose rankings improved due to corrections made before the end of retakes, making them eligible for discounts.
Discounts Provided to International Students Admitted through a Separate Competition for Foreign Citizens in 2023
Tuition fee discounts shall be provided to international students after admission to studies at HSE University and retained for the entire period of study* at HSE University, provided that international students meet the established criteria for successful academic performance.
Meeting all of the listed terms in the course of study under a degree programme at HSE University serves as the criteria for an international student’s successful study:
- Has received no disciplinary measures in the form of a reprimand*;
- Based on the results of interim assessments for all elements of a student’s curriculum, they must have**:
- No more than two grades of 4 or 5 on a 10-point scale.
- All grades must be 4 or higher on a 10-point scale (after retakes).
Other details about the size and conditions of tuition fee discounts provided to students can be found in the Regulations on Tuition Fee Discounts for Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons Admitted to HSE University in 2023 via Separate Entry Competitions for Fee-paying Studies under Educational Agreements Financed by Individuals and/or Legal Entities
* The criteria for successful study apply to international students effective from their 2nd year of study until their graduation from a degree programme of the respective level.
** The conditions for retaining the discounts apply to foreign students, starting from the first interim assessment of their 2nd year of study until their graduation from a degree programme of the respective level and do not apply to the courses of the 1st year of study.
Only one discount can be granted to an international student. If an international applicant is eligible for a discount on several grounds, they may be granted one discount at their discretion.
Discounts Provided to International Students upon Admission to Studies under Bachelor’s/Specialist Programmes
Discounts Provided to International Students upon Admission to Studies under Master’s Programmes
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