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Transfer to HSE University from Other Academic Institutions

Restrictions on transfers

Only persons with the status of a degree student under a programme of higher education on the date of the submission and review of their request for transfer may apply for transfers.

Transfers of first-year students from other academic institutions to HSE University may take place no earlier than their first interim examination at their initial institution. This means that, as at the date when a transfer request is made, a student should have passed these initial exams/tests.

According to the Procedures for the Provision of Places in HSE University Dormitories (Moscow), students who have transferred to a degree programme at HSE University’s Moscow campus shall not be offered places in an HSE University dormitory.

Transfer to HSE University of students who are Russian and foreign citizens (with the exception of those studying under quotas)

Timeframe for receiving requests for transfer and vacant places

HSE University has two periods during which students may transfer to a preferred degree programme. Applications for transfer must be submitted by the deadlines set by respective programmes.

Transfers are implemented in December and June of the current academic year within the deadlines set by respective degree programmes, as long as vacant (both state-funded and fee-paying) places for transfer are available. Furthermore, a third (additional) transfer period may be established by degree programmes (if required).

Vacant places for transfer and the actual timeframe for receiving applications are posted prior to the obligatory timeframe for transfer (November 30 and May 31, respectively), as well as prior to the additional periods for transfer, on the degree programmes’ websites in the sections “Число студентов и вакантные места”.

If no vacant state-funded places are available for transfer, transfers will only be possible to vacant fee-paying places (if available). However, if vacant places are unavailable for both types of transfers, students will be unable to transfer.

Necessary documents

To transfer to HSE University, the following documents should be submitted:

  1. document confirming identity;
  2. certificate of attendance or period of study "справка об обучении или о периоде обучения" /transcript (if transferring from a foreign academic institution);
  3. document on previous education – certificate or Bachelor’s degree diploma (if transferring to a Master’s degree programme);
  4. certificate on recognition of foreign education (if one’s educational document was received outside of Russia)*.

* Submission of this certificate is not required in the following instances: document of education and/or qualification is in line with part 3 art. 107 of Federal Law No.273-FZ; where recognition of a foreign education and/or foreign qualification is needed, which do not meet the terms set out in part 3 art. 107 of Federal Law No. 273-ФFZ, HSE University shall implement this procedure independently; submission of document of education in line with Art 6 of Federal Law No 84-FZ “On Key Factors of Legal Regulation of Relations in Education upon the Inclusion of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the Creation of New Subjects in the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and Federally Designated City Sevastopol, and amendments to the federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation’, dated May 5, 2014.

Students of Russian academic institutions: certificate of attendance or period of study "справка об обучении или о периоде обучения".

This certificate should be drawn up based on the template used by the given academic institution and issued within 5 (five) working days from the date of the student’s request in line with Procedures for Transfer of Students to Other Academic Institutions, Engaged in the Provision of Programmes of Higher Education at the Corresponding Degree Level, as approved by Directive of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 607, dated July 12, 2021. Certificates should be up-to-date and include the results of interim examinations at the time when the application is submitted.

Certificate of attendance (i.e., “Справка об обучении”, “Справка о периоде обучения”, “Справка об обучении и/или о периоде обучения”, “Академическая справка”) should be drawn up on a template of the given academic institution and include the following information:

  • in which year and on the basis of which document the student was admitted to the academic institution;
  • number and date of directive on matriculation;
  • student’s current academic status;
  • list of courses studied and other curricular elements, featuring grades and total credit units.

Students from foreign academic institutions: transcripts (certificate of study) with the status of student and a list of studied courses providing performance in credit units, signed off by a responsible party.

Procedures for Recognition of Foreign Education

Testing and competitions for transfers

Degree programmes may establish evaluation examinations. Their provision/exclusion shall be confirmed in the programme’s/faculty’s transfer rules, which should be posted on each programme’s website in the “Students” and “Transfer and Reinstatement” sections.

If submitted requests for transfer exceed the total number of vacant places for transfer, the relevant programme shall hold a competitive selection of students applying for transfer.

Decisions on transfer

A student’s readiness for a transfer to a programme should be confirmed by an evaluation committee, while the committee’s membership and timeframe is approved by the faculty dean /manager of the programme for an academic year in those instances set out in the Regulations on Evaluation Committees of programmes of higher education and evaluation procedures at HSE University.

A final decision on a student’s transfer shall be made by the Vice Rector, charged with coordinating academic activities at the University.

Procedures for transfer from other academic institutions (including foreign ones)

Check for vacant places and dates for receiving applications

Information published prior to the deadlines for transfer (November 30 and May 31, respectively) and prior to the additional transfer periods (if applicable) shall be published on the websites of respective degree programmes in the section “Число студентов и вакантные места”.

Obtain the necessary certificate at one's academic institution

Students of Russian academic institutions: certificate of attendance or period of study "Справка об обучении или о периоде обучения".

This certificate shall be issued on a template of the academic institution and issued within 5 (five) working days from the date of the student’s requests, in line with the Procedures for Transfer of Students to Other Academic Institutions Engaged in the Provision of Programmes of Higher Education at the Corresponding Degree Level, as approved by Directive of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 607, dated July 12, 2021. The certificate should be up-to-date and include the results of the student’s interim examinations at the time of the application’s submission.

Certificate of attendance (i.e., “Справка об обучении”, “Справка о периоде обучения”, “Справка об обучении и/или о периоде обучения”, “Академическая справка") should be drawn up on a template of the respective academic institutions and include the following information:

  • in which year and on the basis of which document the student was admitted to the academic institution;
  • number and date of directive on matriculation;
  • student’s current academic status;
  • list of all studied disciplines/courses and other curricular elements, featuring grades and total credit units (CU)

Students from foreign academic institutions: transcripts (certificate of study) with the status of student and list of courses studied, indicating performance in credit units, signed off by a responsible individual.

Attach documents and submit application for transfer

Applications for transfers can only be submitted through the service: “One-stop service for transfer”.

Scans of the following must be attached to the application:

  1. document confirming identity;
  2. certificates of attendance or period of study "Справка об обучении или о периоде обучения"/transcript (if transferred from a foreign academic institution);
  3. document on previous education – high school diploma or Bachelor’s degree diploma (if transferring to a Master’s programme);
  4. certificates confirming a student’s current studies on a subsidized place (not obligatory for submission and should be attached at the student’s own discretion);
  5. certificate confirming recognition of foreign education (if one’s document of education was received outside of Russia)*.

* Submission of this certificate is not required in the following instances: document of education and/or qualification is in line with part 3 art. 107 of Federal Law No.273-FZ; where recognition of a foreign education and/or foreign qualification is needed, which do not meet the terms set out in part 3 art. 107 of Federal Law No. 273-ФFZ, HSE University shall implement this procedure independently; submission of document of education in line with Art 6 of Federal Law No 84-FZ “On Key Factors of Legal Regulation of Relations in Education upon the Inclusion of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the Creation of New Subjects in the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and Federally Designated City Sevastopol, and amendments to the federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation’, dated May 5, 2014. .

** All documents should be written in Russian (documents in foreign languages should include an attached translation into Russian). Documents in English may be submitted to programmes taught in English.

Wait for the results of the document review

Applications are reviewed over the course of 3 (three) working days, following the date of submission. The data of the request’s submission is not considered the date of application.

Receive a notification with the results of the document review

If the document and application review outcome is positive, a request template and notification with the programme manager’s contacts shall be sent to a candidate’s e-mail. The request must be signed and sent as a scan to the respective manager at the programme.

Undergo evaluation examinations (if applicable)

Wait for a message from the manager about the timeframe and procedures for evaluation processes.

The timetable for holding entrance examinations (if applicable), indicating the time, place and format, as well as date for announcing results, is published in a special section of the degree programme’s website no later than 3 (three) calendar days prior to the start of the testing process and brought to the attention of student taking part in evaluation examinations, according to the contact information specified in the transfer request.

Prior to evaluation examinations, students should have the option of reading up on the programme and its curricular elements (if this is specified in the terms for evaluation examinations).

Wait for a decision

Receive from the programme manager information on the decision reached, with due consideration of the examination outcome.

If a positive decision is made, the evaluation committee will establish:

  • list of curricular elements, which can be transferred towards a new programme at HSE University;
  • list of courses to be studied or subject to re-evaluation;
  • year of study to be pursued by student;
  • type of place.

Make the decision on the transfer

If the evaluation committee reaches a positive decision on transfer, inform the manager of the programme where you plan to transfer about your decision.

Obtain a certificate from HSE University with approval of transfer and undertake all necessary steps in your initial institution

For students of other Russian academic institutions:

  1. At your university, write up a request for dismissal owing to your transfer to HSE University (a directive should issued within 3 (three) working days form the date when the request is submitted). A transfer certification, which should be attached to the request, shall be sent by the degree programme manager to the e-mail address of the individual specified at the time of the request’s submission.
  2. After the issue of the directive on your dismissal owing to your transfer to HSE University, request an excerpt of the directive (this should be issued by the initial institution within 3 (three) working days from the date of the directive's issue) and send it to the manager of the given programme at HSE University.

Students of foreign academic institutions

A student's further actions shall depend on the terms set by the initial academic institution for instances of student dismissals owing to their transfer to other institutions (including foreign ones), including the provision of applicable terms (need to submit a request for dismissal in light of transfer; submission of certificate of transfer, etc.)

Agree upon an individual curriculum and make tuition payment (upon transfer to a fee-paying place)

Upon receiving a positive decision, agree upon a draft version of an individual curriculum, as received from a degree programme manager, sign an agreement for the provision of paid educational services and pay the tuition (upon transfer to a fee-paying place).

Wait for the issue of a directive and start classes

The directive will be issued within 5 (five) working days from the date of the provision of an excerpt from the directive on dismissal and document on previous education, if the student is being transferred to a state-funded place/from the date when an agreement is signed, if the student is being transferred to a fee-paying place.

If so desired, candidates may address their request to the dean of the respective HSE University faculty, requesting to attend classes while the dismissal directive is being drawn up (a decision shall be made by the faculty dean).

Transfer to HSE University of students studying under quotas of the Government of the Russian Federation

Main information

Transfers of international students, pursuing studies on a state-funded basis under quotas of the Government of the Russian Federation, are possible if following terms are adhered to:

  • within the framework of an integrated group of fields/specializations*, specified in the student’s referral;
  • with the written approval of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation;
  • with the written consent of the embassy of the country seconding the student to studies in the Russian Federation;
  • as long as the total duration for the student’s studies does not increase by 2 (two) years following a transfer.

Transfer to full-fee paying degree programmes is possible only to a vacant fee-paying place there (if available).

* integrated group – a group including fields of study covered by respective degree programmes. For instance, if you are studying under the “Economics” programme, field 38.03.01 Economics, it would be possible to transfer to degree programmes, which are implemented for the fields of study starting from 38.00.00 (e.g., transfers to the “Design” programme for the field of study 54.03.01 Design is impossible).

Timeframe for transfer

Although transfers to HSE University take place in June and December, transfers of students from other academic institutions studying under quotas to HSE University are only possible during the June period, within the dates set by respective degree programme (as published on programme websites in the section “Total Students and Vacant Places” on May 31).

Necessary documents

For a transfer, the following documents should be submitted:

  1. request for admission as part of a transfer;
  2. written approval of the academic institution where the student is studying;
  3. petition of the country sending a student for studies in Russia (i.e., country’s embassy in Moscow or representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the country of the student’s citizenship);
  4. document confirming candidate's identity;
  5. certificate of attendance or period of study;
  6. document on previous education – high school diploma or Bachelor’s degree diploma (if being transferred to a Master’s degree programme);

Procedures for transferring students studying under quotas to HSE University

Check the deadlines for submitting applications

Information shall be published on the day prior to the transfer period (May 31) on the respective websites of degree programmes in the “Число студентов и вакантные места” section.

Sign a request and submit it by the set deadline

Complete and sign the request form. Submit the original/send its scan via e-mail to the manager of the preferred degree programme. Along with the request, submit a full packet of documents to the manager.

Take evaluation examinations (if applicable) and wait for the decision of the programme

Obtain information from the manager of the relevant degree programme about decisions based on evaluation (including a year of study (module) where it is possible to transfer) and draft of the individual curriculum.

If a positive decision is made, the evaluation committee shall determine the following:

  • list of curricular elements, which may be transferred towards a new programme at HSE University;
  • list of courses to be studied or subject to re-evaluation;
  • year of study during which the student may continue studies;

The total credit units (CU), which may be included in a student’s individual curriculum for a single year shall be determined according to the educational standard, as per which the programme was devised. If courses cannot be transferred towards a new programme of study or any courses (sections of a course) are found that were not taken, these courses may be added to a student’s individual curriculum in addition to the standard list of curricular elements for the given year to which the student is being transferred.

Wait for the decision of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education

The manager of the degree programme shall forward preliminary approval for transfer to the Admissions Centre for International Applicants of the International Admissions Office in order to issue and send a request for your possible transfer to the director of the relevant Ministry department.

Agree on an individual curriculum (following a positive decision of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education)

Upon the issue of a positive decision, agree upon a draft of the individual curriculum, received from the manager of the degree programme.

Wait for the issue of the directive and start classes

If so desired, students may address their request to the dean of the relevant faculty, requesting to visit classes while a directive on dismissal is being drawn up (this decision shall be made by the dean of the respective faculty).

If you have further questions

e-mail us at: studcentre@hse.ru


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