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Special Categories of Students

A new term, "special (or individual) categories of students," was introduced in February 2024 in the Regulations for Interim and Ongoing Assessments of Students at HSE University.

This status refers to students whose initial educational opportunities and/or special status affect the pace and quality of their studies under degree programmes, i.e.:

students with disabilities and/or health conditions

students who are orphans, children left without parental care, or individuals who lost both parents or their sole parent during their studies

students who are participants in the Special Military Operation (SMO) or whose immediate relatives are participants

students who are citizens of foreign countries

students admitted to study at HSE University in the 2023/24–2026/27 academic years (inclusive), who have completed secondary general education programmes and have successfully passed the final state certification at educational institutions in the Belgorod Region, Bryansk Region, and Kursk Region, according to the List approved by Directive No. 245 of the Ministry of Education of Russia, dated April 7, 2023, as well as at educational institutions located in the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk People's Republic, Zaporozhye Region, and Kherson Region

Educational Features for Special Categories of Students

The critical SPA value for students in special categories is set at five if their SPA exceeds the regular threshold for the first time.

For subsequent SPA assessments of special category students, the regular SPA threshold applies when determining the conditions for continuing their education.

Learn more about SPA


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