Gulnaz Khusainova is a graduate of the HSE Faculty of Business and Management and the founder of the project Easysize, an online platform that helps online retailers reduce the number of returns. This year Gulnaz made it to Forbes’ list of the most prospective young entrepreneurs in Europe. In the latest edition of Success Builder, she talks about why programming is necessary for someone with a startup, what ‘sustainable fashion’ means, and how this all affects the well-being of Bangladeshi seamstresses.
HSE alumna Daria Rebenok and her husband founded the online service Grabr, which combines Daria’s love for shopping and travel. This service allows clients to place orders with travellers who agree to bring back an item that cannot be purchased online from a certain country. In the latest edition of Success Builder, Daria talks about the magic of shopping, the different aspects of Silicon Valley, the importance of Russian programmers, and the future of the remote employment market.
In the latest edition of Success Builder, the Head of Russia and Ukraine DCM at J.P. Morgan, Kirill Kondrashin, discusses the things even those with honours diplomas don’t consider, as well as how to think like a British HR professional and how a new employee can survive in the jungle of the London financial services market.
Elena Okorochenko, Managing Director of Asia-Pacific Ratings at S&P Global Ratings, is not only a graduate of HSE’s first class of students; she has also contributed to the formation of the university as a whole. In the latest edition of Success Builder, Elena tells us how she only changed companies twice throughout her entire career, as well as how she manages a regional S&P Global division, shares her colleagues’ love for Asian cuisine, and never finds herself in a traffic jam in Singapore because they just don’t exist.
In the latest edition of Success Builder, HSE alumna Olga Filatova, who is currently the Vice President for HR and Education at Mail.Ru Group, explains the ins and outs of hunting for talent nationwide, and she also talks about what it’s like to work in the United States and whether jobseekers’ social media accounts are important.
HSE alumna Polina Tonkikh is someone who was directly involve in one of the greatest moments in Russia’s history – the country’s accession to the World Trade Organisation. In the latest edition of Success Builder, Polina talks about what it’s like representing Russia at the WTO and how the country’s image has changed in the international arena.
In 2010, a tourism cluster appeared in the North Caucasus that signified a new and prospective field for the Russian travel industry. Below, Northern Caucasus Resorts CEO Oleg Gorchev talks about why one might want to vacation in Chechnya, what his children think about his job, and what it was like to be part of the first class to graduate from the Higher School of Economics.
Cafes and restaurants in Russia currently find themselves in a very competitive environment, which is why a lot of new formats and ideas arise. In the latest edition of Success Builder, the founders of Jeffrey’s Coffee, Alexey Mironov and Alexey Karanyuk, discuss what makes a ‘good’ café, why it’s important to go see what competitors are up to, and what the prime costs of a double espresso are.
Over the last five years, hummus and falafel have made their way onto the menu of most restaurants in the centre of Moscow, and food trucks have had much better luck selling Middle Eastern dishes than warm Russian pirogies. Daniil Goldman, who is a graduate of the Higher School of Economics and the founder of Mitzva Bar, sat down with Success Builder to talk about what’s fashionable in Israeli culture, why intuition is important in business, and how a bar in Moscow differs from a bar in New York.
Anna Sokolova, who completed her PhD at the HSE Doctoral School of Economics and is an instructor in the Department of Theoretical Economics, has been offered a position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, demonstrating the high demand for graduates of HSE doctoral programmes on the international academic job market.
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