Summer Schools 2017
- May 13—20: International Spring School "New Dimensions of the Political: Energy, Memory, and the Body" (Tuscany, Italy)
- June 10 — 15: V International Summer School on Higher Education Research (Saint Petersburg)
- June 19 — 23: Seventh International Summer School ‘Theory and Methods of Network Analysis’ (Moscow)
- June 22 — 24: Summer Neurolinguistics School (Moscow)
- June 26 — July 15: Russian Language and Culture Summer School (Saint Petersburg)
- July 1—7: Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis (Moscow)
- July 3—7: VI Summer School for Anti-Corruption Policy (Moscow)
- July 3—7: VI International Summer School on Cyber Law (Moscow)
- July 6—13: VII International Russian-Chinese Summer School 'Economic Instruments of Foreign Policy in the Modern World' (Moscow)
- July 8 — August 21: Language & Culture Programme, HSE St.Petersburg – 5 colleges (Saint Petersburg)
- July 24 — 28: Eighth International Summer School ‘Theory and Methods of Network Analysis’ (Moscow)
- July 25 — August 10: IPSA-HSE Summer School for Methods of Political & Social Research (Saint Petersburg)
- July 30 — August 13: 1st Annual IPSA-HSE Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science (Saint Petersburg)
- August 7—15: 11th Summer School in Lapland “Politics of Nature” (Lapland)
- August 7—20: Summer School on Economics and Business in BRICS: Perspectives for Russia and China (Saint Petersburg)
- August 14—26: Summer School ‘Does Russia Have A Strategy? Understanding Economic Change’ (Nizhny Novgorod)
- August 19—27: European Summer School 'Exploring entrepreneurship' (Moscow)
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