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International Summer School on Educational Finance

The International Summer School on Educational Finance was held on July 3-10 in Beijing. The event was organized by HSE Institute of Education and the China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University (CIEFR). Questions of educational financing were considered in the context of globalization and assessing students’ educational achievements.

Education Innovators Face Experts and Pitch Sessions at KIvO

The summer session of the Competition for Innovators in Education (KIvO), organized by the Higher School of Economics, was recently held in Moscow. Over a four-day period and under the careful watch of respected experts, KIvO participants worked on and developed projects, which will be presented to potential investors at the International Conference on New Educational Technologies EdCruch, slated for September 12-14, 2016 in Moscow. 

Russian and Chinese Students: Cooperation Opportunities

Russian and Chinese Students: Cooperation Opportunities
On July 9-12 the international student summer school was held at the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu. Konstantin Arutyunov, Professor at the School of Electronic Engineering, guest speaker, presented a report on the fundamental limitations on and prospects for electronics development. 

HSE and Yandex Hold Second Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics

On June 20-27, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science teamed up with the Yandex School of Data Analysis to carry out the Second International Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics. This year’s Summer School took place in Lund, Sweden, and saw the participation of 60 students and researchers from Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Russia, the U.S., Sweden, Switzerland, and more. Of these students, five came from the Higher School of Economics.

New Information Technologies Could Spark a Revolution in Contract Law

The HSE International Laboratory for Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law has conducted an International Summer School on Cyber Law (ISSC). One key topic was how blockchain technology influences traditional contract law.

Now in its Sixth Year, Russian-Chinese Summer School Becomes a Truly International Event

On July 6, 2016, the VI International Russian-Chinese Summer School on International Affairs came to a close. Run jointly by the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and East China Normal University, with sponsorship provided by the Gorchakov Fund, this year’s school focused on the role of institutions in the new global governance architecture.

‘Information about the School is Passed from Generation to Generation’

From July 2 – 7, 2016, the 10th Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis (RSSIA) took place just outside of Moscow. This event traditionally attracts experts in various areas of institutional research, as well as young researchers, for whom the School is a chance to work on projects under the supervision of leading scholars.

Foreign Students Came to Study Russian Language and Russian Culture at HSE - Nizhny Novgorod

Foreign Students Came to Study Russian Language and Russian Culture at HSE - Nizhny Novgorod
Sixth annual Summer School on Russian Language and Culture opened last week. This year among the participants of the summer school are students from Austria, Brazil and South Korea.

International Summer School on Higher Education Research

The IV International Summer School on Higher Education Research, which was devoted to ‘Higher Education, Society and State’, was held June 4-10 in St. Petersburg. Organized jointly with the China Institute for Educational Finance Research at Peking University, the Summer School brings together senior and junior scholars in the field of higher education research; it aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas, enhance research quality, and foster the integration of early-career researchers into the international academic community.

VI Summer School "Designing Feasible Cross-Cultural Research: Sampling and Procedure"

From 9 to 12 June 2016, VI Summer School "Designing Feasible Cross-Cultural Research: Sampling and Procedure" was held outside Moscow, organized by the International Research and Teaching Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research of the Expert Institute at HSE. The headline teachers at the school were the leading researchers known across the world: Fons van de Vijver (PhD, Professor, Tilburg University) and Klaus Boehnke (PhD, Professor, Jacobs University, Bremen).