The new book "Другая Россия: Исследования по истории русской эмиграции" by Oleg Budnitskii is about to appeared
"Drugaja Rossija: Issledovanija po istorii russkoj jemigracii"

"The Soviet narrative of the Warsaw ghetto uprising"
a new article by Gennady Estraikh has been published in the journal "Acta Poloniae Historica" (123, 2021)

Siobhan Hearne «"The Struggle with Prostitution, Not Prostitutes": The Campaign to Eradicate Commercial Sex in Early Soviet Russia»
On November 2 Siobhan Hearne, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Latvia, gave a presentation at the scholarly seminar of the International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences

International Scholarly Conference "A «Memory Revolution»: Soviet History through the Lens of Personal Documents"
The conference was held on 7-8 June 2017 in Moscow

"A «Memory Revolution»: Soviet History through the Lens of Personal Documents": conference program
The conference will be held on 7-8 June. Organizers: International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences, National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russian Federation).

Seth Bernstein “Victims, Traitors, Refugees: The Social Reception of Soviet Repatriates after World War II”
On January 26 Seth Bernstein gave a presentation “Victims, Traitors, Refugees: The Social Reception of Soviet Repatriates after World War II” at the scholarly seminar of the International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences.

Jessica Werneke “From Education to Elitism: Amateur Photography and Photography Clubs in the Late Soviet Period”
On December 1 the Center's research fellow Jessica Werneke gave a presentation “From Education to Elitism: Amateur Photography and Photography Clubs in the Late Soviet Period” at the scholarly seminar of the International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences

Angelina Lucento "Entangled Modernisms: Socialism, Jadidism, and the Development of Early Soviet Visual Culture"
On November 25 the Center's postdoctoral research fellow Angelina Lucento gave a presentation “Entangled Modernisms: Socialism, Jadidism, and the Development of Early Soviet Visual Culture” at the scholarly seminar of the International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences.
HSE Professor’s Biography on Stalin Wins PROSE Award
The book Stalin: New Biography of a Dictator by Oleg Khlevniuk has won the 2016 PROSE Award in the Biography and Autobiography category. Khlevniuk is a Leading Research Fellow in the HSE International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences.
Extramural School ‘Forced Labour during WWII: Analysis of Documents and Exchange of International Experiences’
From October 1 – 7th, 2015, HSE students and graduates in history participated in an extramural school headed by Professor Oleg Budnitsky on ‘Forced Labour during WWII: Analysis of Documents and International Exchange of Experience’ in Berlin, Germany.