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Давитая Марцелла, Международный институт экономики и финансов (Москва)


I nominate this student because of her outstanding plan for research. Martsella is developing a model of cheating as a principal agent model. Her view on the problem is quite outstanding and we expect to have a publishable outcome.

As an advisor on her thesis, I am able to understand that this student is a talented researcher, a problem solver, an out-of-the-box thinker, an individual with the potential to become an intellectual in the profession. She is currently working on a paper in which she tries to model academic cheating as a principal-agent problem together with a competition component. The paper is developed at a master’s level analysis and has potential to become publishable work.

This is a “professional student” with impeccable work ethics. She was never late to our meetings, never came unprepared, never neglected any of her duties, she is determined and decided to succeed. On the other hand, she is a particularly modest individual with a sense of respect and always well mannered.

Her record in our university is quite impressive. Everything that I stated above will be precisely backed up by any of her previous and current professors.


12 декабря 2016 17:50
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Марцелла - идеальная студентка: она хочет учиться и учится, и ей это интересно. Интересно узнавать новое и приобретать новые навыки. Не сразу получается, но она делает снова и снова, пока не получится так, как она хочет.
Она понимает, что если чему-то учат, то это пригодится. И, действительно, в силу блестящих способностей и упорному характеру никакие знания у Марцеллы не пропадают.
По характеру - скромная и вежливая.
Прекрасный кандидат в данной номинации. Желаю победы!

8 декабря 2016 21:43
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Martsella is one of the smartest students that I have met in my 4.5 years of teaching experience. I supervised her second year course paper and it undoubtedly remains among the best ones that I have advised on. Martsella is also a top performer at the Industrial Economics course that I teach at ICEF. The quality of Martsella's work and her professional behaviour are truly exceptional. In addition to this, Martsella is a really nice person.

As Zig Ziglar put it, "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." However, Martsella has both, which makes me confident that her talent and her nurture will keep her reaching out for new heights in her future.

I am strongly convinced that Martsella is exactly the right student for this award.

Alexey Ostapchuk (Assistant Lecturer, ICEF BSc 2011)

6 декабря 2016 23:42
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Nataliya Pankova
Знаю Марцеллу как человека очень дружелюбного и отзывчивого, который несмотря на все свои достижения, остается достаточно самокритичным и стремящимся только вперед.

6 декабря 2016 16:58
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Демешев Борис Борисович
Марцелла совершенно замечательный студент! Безумно живой интерес к задачам без тени школярского "ну этого у нас на экзамене не будет, зачем мне это".

Марцелла, удачи!!!

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