
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia 2016

On June 9-13 Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR) 2016 was held in St. Petersburg.

Lecture by Joseph MacInnes “Diffusion models of reaction time data”

Joseph MacInnes - Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology, HSE

Phd Positions!

Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany) has announced a call for applications for a total of 14 PhD scholarships. The doctoral program is titled "Democracies under Stress" and aims to be inter-disciplinary.

Elena Shakina Graduates from the "Management in Higher Education" Program

Introduction to R

The Laboratory shares the lectures on the topic "Basic Statistics and Introduction to R", which were developed and delivered by Prof. Eduard Ponarin in the Faculty of Social Science, NRU HSE, Moscow, Russia.

Lecture by Roeland Hancock "Neurochemistry of speech oscillations"

Roeland Hancock is from the University of California, San Francisco, USA

Research Assistant Alexey Nikolayev got a scholarship

Congratulations Alexey Nikolaev on the award of scholarships named after Ilya Segalovich

Wages of Policemen

The article by Tatiana Karabchuk (LCSR Associate Researcher) and Ruslan Almukhametov (ex-research assistant of LCSR) titled "Wages of Policemen in Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Russia" was published in March issue of "Journal of Economic Sociology".

Preliminary program is available online!

Preliminary program of the Sixth LCSR International Workshop “Social and Cultural Changes in Cross-National Perspective: Subjective Well-being, Trust, Social capital and Values” is available online.

Nikita Zmanovsky told students of HSE Lyceum about the contemporary neurolinguistics

As part of “faculty days” pupils of the HSE lyceum take classes at one university department they like. In fact, those are not ordinary classes for HSE students but interactive lessons specially prepared for high-school children.