
Our congratulations!

Our congratulations to all students that are working in laboratory for getting diplomas.


Researchers of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research Lusine Grigoryan and Olga Pavlenko graduated with honors from HSE Master program “Psychology in business”.

Laboratory staff have presented master's program "Applied Social Psychology" at the Winter School 2012

Winter psychological school for applicants to magistracy of psychological department of HSE was held in the Moscow region's hotel Klyazma from the 1'st to the 5'th of February. The head of the International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research N.M. Lebedeva, and laboratory staff, A.N. Tatarko, Z. H. Lepshokova, E.V. Osipova, S.V. Chuvashov, A.K. Stefanov organized presentation of the master's program "Applied Social Psychology."