
Priority Topics for PhD Thesis Research

Priority Topics for PhD Thesis Research
We invite young researchers to join our projects for the preparation of candidate theses

Interculturalism - Rhetoric vs Practice

On January 27, the third session of the Diversity Research Laboratory was held on the topic "Interculturalism: politics, ideology, everyday life."

Diversity Research Laboratory. 13 January – 3 March 2021

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, together with the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics, is launching a course on the study of diversity in society.

"Moscow Miracle" Secret Revealed

Schools in Moscow are the best at teaching students. This point was recently supported by recently published results of the international TIMSS study. The scores of Moscow students turned out to be higher than not only general Russian scores but also the average scores from Europe. What is the secret of the "Moscow miracle" - opinions differ, and research has not yet been carried out. A group of young scientists from the International Laboratory for Evaluation of Practice and Innovation in Education has found a way to test all hypotheses. The case of New Moscow will help with this. The project received a grant "Evidence-Based Policy 2020" from the Center for Advanced Management Solutions.

Svetlana Dorofeeva, a member of the Center for Language and Brain, defended her PhD dissertation on November 16.

Congratulations to Svetlana on successfully defending her PhD dissertation!

On November 12, Yulia Akinina, a Junior Researcher at the Center for Language and Brain, defended her PhD thesis

On November 12, Yulia Akinina, a Junior Researcher at the Center for Language and Brain, defended her PhD thesis
Congratulations to Yulia on successfully defending her dissertation!

"Games in Experiments"

"Games in Experiments"
Lecture by Dr. Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Chief Researcher of the International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioral Economics

"iBrain Cognitive Neuroscience Direct track miniSymposium"

"iBrain Cognitive Neuroscience Direct track miniSymposium"
Dear colleagues and students, we invite everyone interested to take part in the "iBrain Cognitive Neuroscience Direct track miniSymposium"on October 15 at 10:30

Solitons and cavitons for the nonlocal Whitham equations

About ongoing research.

ID Lab: Research in times of lockdown

ID Lab: Research in times of lockdown
The first half of 2020 was unusual for everyone in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic led to lockdown, causing an avalanche of changes in our lives. These changes also affected the work of the International laboratory of intangible-driven economy (IDLab).