
How HSE University Is Developing Distance Learning

How HSE University Is Developing Distance Learning
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, HSE University, as well as other universities around the world, has had to  quickly transition to online learning. How have students and instructors adapted to distance learning? What are the challenges that the university has faced?  How have assessment mechanisms changed?  HSE administrators and instructors answer these questions for the HSE News Service.

Proctored Exams: Frequently Asked Questions

On June 10, Module 3 and 4 exams will begin at HSE University. Many students will be taking online exams with proctoring software for the first time. We have prepared the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the procedure. 

Open Doors Day-2020

According to tradition, in mid-April, the HSE ISSEK Master's programme “Governance of Science, Technology, and Innovation” holds an Open Doors Day. In conditions of social isolation, the meeting of potential applicants and programme representatives was first held in an online format — like “Open Windows Day”.

Open Doors Day-2020

According to tradition, in mid-April, the HSE ISSEK Master's programme “Governance of Science, Technology, and Innovation” holds an Open Doors Day. In conditions of social isolation, the meeting of potential applicants and programme representatives was first held in an online format — like “Open Windows Day”.

HSE Joins Moscow Innovation Cluster

HSE Joins Moscow Innovation Cluster
HSE University has become a member of the Moscow Innovation Cluster (MIC) and joined the digital platform. The University will be able to collaborate with other participants in the Moscow innovation ecosystem, as well as seek partners for joint research and development testing.

‘I Like That the Professors Are Invested in Our Learning’

Francisco Jose Contreras Alarcon and Ilaria Billo
The master’s programme in Governance of Science, Technology, and Innovation offered by HSE ISSEK aims to equip students with skills that are in short supply in the private and public sectors. Courses and internship work give students a global perspective on science, technology, and innovation in addition to showing them how to be effective managers and conduct evidence-based assessment. Students also have the option of pursuing a double degree with a partner university in Europe and Asia. Francisco Jose Contreras Alarcon (Chile) and Ilaria Billo (Italy) share their experiences working towards double degrees in the programme.

Centre for Cognition & Decision Making invites you to the seminar«Effects of stimulus orientation on assessment of motor cortex plasticity using TMS»

Centre for Cognition & Decision Making invites you to the seminar«Effects of stimulus orientation on assessment of motor cortex plasticity using TMS»

The Laboratory DSA and Department of Fundamental Mathematics NRU HSE invite to the student workshop

The Department of Fundamental Mathematics of the Higher School of Economics and the International Laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Applications invite students who are interested in studying of various branches of mathematical science to participate in the student workshop “Mathematical Spring - 2020. Invitation to Dynamical Systems”.

Call for Applications. PhD Programme at Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies

The Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS) is accepting applications for an English-language PhD programme starting from December 2. Deadline for submitting applications – January 31, 2020.

“To solve the everyday people’s problems”: Seminar in Yandex

On October 19, 2019, a seminar was organised at Yandex as part of the Mikhail Gershman’s course “Managing Creativity and Innovation”. It was led by Ekaterina Shor, Senior Key Accounts Development Manager, graduate of the Master’s Programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation”.