Tag "Foresight"

Russia Is among the World’s Top 10 Producers and Users of Spatial Data

Forecasting the economy’s demand for spatial data, remote sensing data, and geoinformation technologies is one of the key objectives of the study being conducted by HSE experts jointly with the Aerospace Research Institute, commissioned by Rosreestr. A public discussion of the interim results was held on 7 November at the conference ‘Spatial Data for the Digital Economy and Sustainable Development of the Russian Federation’.

HSE ISSEK Researchers Sign Cooperation Agreement with Korean Colleagues

This May, HSE and the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI, Republic of Korea) signed a cooperation agreement on science and advanced technology research. This agreement was signed by Leonid Gokhberg, HSE First Vice Rector, Director of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, and Dr. Hwang-Hee Cho, STEPI President.

Big Data-based Foresight for a Proactive Strategy: a Must-have Tool for Business in the Era of Digitalisation

Alexander Chulok, Director of the HSE ISSEK Centre for S&T Foresight, wrote a column for the Association of European Businesses Quarterly Magazine.