Tag "iFORA"

What Will 2024 Be Like? The Forecast by iFORA

What Will 2024 Be Like? The Forecast by iFORA
RBC journalists decided to ask Russian artificial intelligence systems what 2024 will be like. Four leading Russian companies and HSE University took part in the project. The questions were answered by the iFORA big data intelligent analysis system developed by HSE ISSEK.

Top 15 Digital Technologies in Manufacturing Industry

Top 15 Digital Technologies in Manufacturing Industry
Based on the analysis of big data, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) of the Higher School of Economics has identified the most significant digital technologies already used or introduced in the global and Russian manufacturing industry.

Artificial Intelligence for Proactive Policy: A Letter from Leonid Gokhberg to ‘Nature’

Artificial Intelligence for Proactive Policy: A Letter from Leonid Gokhberg to ‘Nature’
As the situation with COVID-19 has shown, mistakes associated with insufficiently developed policy measures in medicine, science, education and other socially significant sectors of the economy are very costly for society. In the July issue of Nature, First Vice-Rector, HSE ISSEK Director Leonid Gokhberg discussed the topic of the growing practice of making management decisions based on big data analysis.