The Condensed-Matter Physics Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of condensed-matter physics. The deadline for the applications is February 14, 2021.
The Head of the International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics became president of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics for two years
Elena Veretennik presented a new stage in research on the research productivity
Fedor Pavlov, a research intern at the International Bioinformatics Laboratory, gave a presentation at the IEEE BIBM 2020 international conference, which was held online December 16-19, 2020. At the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics (MABM) workshop, he presented a paper "Recognition of DNA Secondary Structures as Nucleosome Barriers with Deep Learning Methods," published in co-authorship with Maria Poptsova.
Maria Yudkevich presented the results of the research at a joint workshop of the International Laboratory of Intangible-Driven Economy (IDLab) and the International Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms (LIA)
The innovation performance of firms depends on their ability to innovate in cooperation with external partners. In their study, HSE researchers found that most of innovation in Russian manufacturing happens in a sort of open processes, but extensive cooperation networks are barely detectable. The study was published in the December issue of Foresight and STI Governance.
The innovation performance of firms depends on their ability to innovate in cooperation with external partners. In their study, HSE researchers found that most of innovation in Russian manufacturing happens in a sort of open processes, but extensive cooperation networks are barely detectable. The study was published in the December issue of Foresight and STI Governance.
Dr. Belyanin and Dr. Suvorov acted as organizers of the thematic conference of the congress on behavioral and experimental economics
The Linguistic convergence laboratory organized an open course in English about the main area of expertise of the laboratory - the languages of the Nakh-Daghestanian (also known as East Caucasian) language family.