
HSE University Presents First Global Cities Innovation Index

HSE University Presents First Global Cities Innovation Index
According to HSE University’s Global Cities Innovation Index, New York and London are the world’s most attractive megacities to innovators implementing creative and technological initiatives. Moscow ranked among the rating’s top ten cities, leading in the areas of ‘Innovation Infrastructure’ and ‘Digital Infrastructure and Services’. HSE researchers presented the index at this year’s Open Innovations Forum.

HSE University Presents First Global Cities Innovation Index

HSE University Presents First Global Cities Innovation Index
According to HSE University’s Global Cities Innovation Index, New York and London are the world’s most attractive megacities to innovators implementing creative and technological initiatives. Moscow ranked among the rating’s top ten cities, leading in the areas of ‘Innovation Infrastructure’ and ‘Digital Infrastructure and Services’. HSE researchers presented the index at this year’s Open Innovations Forum.

HSE University Presents First Global Cities Innovation Index

HSE University Presents First Global Cities Innovation Index
According to HSE University’s Global Cities Innovation Index, New York and London are the world’s most attractive megacities to innovators implementing creative and technological initiatives. Moscow ranked among the rating’s top ten cities, leading in the areas of ‘Innovation Infrastructure’ and ‘Digital Infrastructure and Services’. HSE researchers presented the index at this year’s Open Innovations Forum.

Interdisciplinary School-Conference "Information Technologies and Systems" (ITiS 2020), October 17-18, 2020

Interdisciplinary School-Conference "Information Technologies and Systems" (ITiS 2020), October 17-18, 2020
Interdisciplinary School-Conference "Information Technologies and Systems" (ITiS 2020), October 17-18, 2020, online format, Institute for Information Transmission Problems. A.A. Kharkevich Russian Academy of Sciences (IITP RAS)

New publication in "Voprosy Ekonomiki"

A new article by deputy director of the ICSID E. Borisova, V. Bryzgalin and research fellow of the IIMS I. Levina 'Trust and economic growth: Is there a relation?' was published in the "Voprosy Ekonomiki" (2020, 10)

Anna Zhuravleva at the international conference Words in the World

Anna Zhuravleva, a member of the HSE the Center for Language and Brain, presented at the international conference Words in the World a study done jointly with Svetlana Malyutina and Ekaterina Stupina.

WAPOR 73rd Annual Conference

On October 6-10 2020, WAPOR 73rd Annual Conference was held online for the first time. Senior research fellow Anton Kazun presented his paper (co-author Anastasia Kazun) "Global News Flow in G-20: Economic and Political Factors of Media Attention".

Relationship between Acculturation Strategies and School Bullying in Ethnic Minority Adolescents

On October 8 Azhariya Muminova (Research Assistant, CSCR, HSE) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Relationship between Acculturation Strategies and School Bullying in Ethnic Minority Adolescents".

International Workshop "Institutions and development: a sub-national perspective": results and final thoughts

International Workshop "Institutions and development: a sub-national perspective": results and final thoughts
The joint ICSID & Quality of Government Institute (QoG) workshop “Institutions and development: a sub-national perspective” was successfully concluded on October 7-9. The workshop was held as a Zoom meeting. This new format once again enabled event organizers to bring together participants from universities all around the world: Russia, Sweden, Germany, USA, UK, Ireland, Italy, Finland, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Poland, India, Turkey, Nigeria and Uruguay. In three days the workshop was attended by more than 100 people.

HSE University to Present Its New HSE Global Cities Innovation Index at the Open Innovations Forum 2020

On October 19, the first public presentation and discussion of the HSE Global Cities Innovation Index will take place at this year’s international Open Innovations Forum. The index, developed by HSE University researchers, is the first of its kind.