The joint ICSID & Quality of Government Institute (QoG) workshop “Institutions and development: a sub-national perspective” will be held online on October 7-9.
On September 2, Irina Starikova presented a talk "Diagrams in mathematical thought experiments" at the 9th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science "Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science".
The 53rd SLE conference was held in an unconventional format for the first time in history. The Linguistic convergence laboratory was represented by a number of talks.
Laboratory of Bioinformatics organised the first international summer school in bioinformatics. The school was held online on August 24-28.
On August 28 Stanislav Kikot, Ilya Shapirovsky and Evgeny Zolin gave a talk "Modal logics with Transitive Closure: Completeness, Decidability, Filtration" at the conference "Advances in Modal Logic 2020", which was held online.
On August 29 the International Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis (ISSA) held the 8th Workshop "What can FCA do for artificial intelligence? (FCA4AI)" as a part of the program of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020).
A new article "Friendly Bureaucrats, Formal Rules, and Firms' Investment Decisions: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Russia" by IIMS and ISCID director Andrei Yakovlev and ISCID senior research fellow Denis Ivanov was accepted for publication in "International Journal of Emerging Markets".