
All-Moscow seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics"

On Wednesday, September 18, the National Research University Higher School of Economics hosted a regular meeting of the All-Moscow seminar "Mathematical methods for analyzing optimal solutions in economics, business and politics".

From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel: Summer School in Cardiogenetics

From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel: Summer School in Cardiogenetics
From August 19 to 29, the Continuing Professional Development Centre of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science hosted the summer school 'Cardiogenetics: From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel,' organised in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Analytical Instrumentation (IAI) and Institute of Spectroscopy (ISAN), and the Syntol company. The summer school was conducted within the framework of the Federal Research Programme for Genetic Technologies Development for 2019–2027 (Project 15.IP.21.0004). 

HSE University Releases Global Ranking of Top Cities for High-Tech and Creative Industries

HSE University Releases Global Ranking of Top Cities for High-Tech and Creative Industries
Researchers at HSE ISSEK have released the third ranking of megacities based on their innovation attractiveness—HSE Global Cities Innovation Index 2024 (HSE GCII 2024). Moscow ranks ninth, while London, New York, and Tokyo lead the ranking. The top ten also include Beijing, San Francisco, Paris, Shanghai, Los Angeles, and Seoul. In addition to Moscow, 25 other Russian cities are among the top 1,000, including St. Petersburg (73), Novosibirsk (183), and others.

HSE University Releases Global Ranking of Top Cities for High-Tech and Creative Industries

HSE University Releases Global Ranking of Top Cities for High-Tech and Creative Industries
Researchers at HSE ISSEK have released the third ranking of megacities based on their innovation attractiveness—HSE Global Cities Innovation Index 2024 (HSE GCII 2024). Moscow ranks ninth, while London, New York, and Tokyo lead the ranking. The top ten also include Beijing, San Francisco, Paris, Shanghai, Los Angeles, and Seoul. In addition to Moscow, 25 other Russian cities are among the top 1,000, including St. Petersburg (73), Novosibirsk (183), and others.

Advice for Young Scientists: Professor Barajas Discussed Career Opportunities in Science

Advice for Young Scientists: Professor Barajas Discussed Career Opportunities in Science
On September 13, 2024, the IDLab laboratory held an online seminar titled "Building an Academic Career," which gathered around 30 participants. In addition to the laboratory staff, external listeners joined the seminar, and the online format allowed attendees not only from Perm but also from other cities, including Moscow.

Ivan Pyltsyn gave a talk on the topic of "Formalization of the Unexpected Hanging Paradox"

Ivan Pyltsyn gave a talk on the topic of "Formalization of the Unexpected Hanging Paradox"
Ivan Pyltsyn made a presentation at the research workshop "From the Logical Point of View", which took place on September 13.

The Lecture «The Influence of Emotions on Trust in Electronic Public Services»

The Lecture «The Influence of Emotions on Trust in Electronic Public Services»
Third-year students in the "Management and Analytics in the Public Sector" program attended a lecture as part of the course "Technologies of Public Administration, Program and Policy Analysis." The lecture was delivered by Agnessa Bich, a Research Assistant at the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration, under the guidance of Leading Research Fellow Anna Sanina. The lecture's topic was «The Influence of Emotions on Trust in Electronic Public Services», a socio-psychological experiment conducted in conjunction with the International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology.

The International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology Held a Field School for Young Scientists in the Field of Landscape Science

Participants of the school
From 2 to 7 September in the Central Forest Reserve (Tver region) a school for young researchers “Actual methods of landscape structure analysis based on remote sensing data, digital elevation models and field data” organized by the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology was held. The School was attended by 24 students from 10 regions of the country, including three students from Belarus. The speakers of the School were the staff of the Laboratory, the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems (A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems, Moscow). A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution (IPEE RAS), Institute of Geography RAS (IG RAS), Central Forest Reserve.

Results of the Zombie Companies Research: Initial Findings

Results of the Zombie Companies Research: Initial Findings
On September 13, 2023, at a workshop held by IDLAb under the Russian Science Foundation grant (No. 23-78-10149), research assistants Roman Makurin and Dmitry Volodin presented the results of their analysis of "zombie companies" and "gazelle companies" in small and medium-sized businesses in Russia from 2013 to 2023. The project was scientifically supervised by Senior Researcher Mariia Molodchik and Researcher Viktor Krakovich.

Petr Parshakov at Technoprom-2024: new projects and artificial intelligence in education

Petr Parshakov at Technoprom-2024: new projects and artificial intelligence in education
Head of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy at HSE – Perm, Petr Parshakov, presented applied projects of the laboratory at the XI International Forum on Technological Development 'Techprom-2024', including a new service for prospective students.