July 16-24, the director of the Center, Professor Vagov A.V., took part in the work of the Russian - Chinese School and the symposium "Promising functional materials for quantum Nanoelectronics and Superconductivity", organized on the basis of the Beijing Institute of Technology (PTI). He presented the results of the Center's research on the properties of ferromagnetic superconducting materials.
In June-July of this year, the head of the laboratory, Robert Sandlersky, took part in long-term field studies of Mongolia's forest geosystems as part of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Integrated Biological Expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia.
Roman Abramov held an open lecture and seminar at the summer school on social anthropology "sbor—ka"
On July 27, 2024 Roman Abramov, professor, a leading researcher at our laboratory, gave an open lecture on the topic "Imagination about society and social order in science fiction". The lecture was organized as part of the summer school on social anthropology "sbor—ka".
Vyshka Online has prepared a video about graduation of online programmes in 2024.
An international team of researchers including scientists at HSE University investigated how bilingual individuals associate time with space. It turns out that in both their first and second languages, people associate the past with the left side of space and the future with the right. In fact, the higher the proficiency in a second language, the more pronounced this relationship becomes. The study findings have been published in Scientific Reports.
Webinar «Artificial intelligence vs privacy» was held in Moscow, organized by the Department of Innovative Jurisprudence of the Public Law Department of the HSE University Faculty of Law together with the Scientific center «Information and Digital Law» of the Department of Legal Informatics, Information and digital law of the Michail Lomonosov Faculty of Law. Research Fellow of the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the HSE University Evgenii Diskin took part in the discussion on the issue of personal data protection.
Four presentations were delivered, focusing on modeling the microenvironment of various body structures and the practical application of these models for studying pathological processes
Marina Zavertiaeva, Egor Ivanov and Nikita Matkin became winners of the National Research University Higher School of Economics 2024 Educational Innovation Competition. Congratulations to our colleagues!
HSE University, together with its Chinese partners, will be implementing the scientific project ‘Geometry and Physics,’ which won the ‘Academic Cooperation’ competition at HSE. The International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms acts on behalf of HSE University. The Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), represented by a team of renowned mathematicians including Fields medallists, will also be involved in the project.