
Viktoria Denisova took part in a reception for Russian alumni of Dutch educational institutions.

Viktoria Denisova took part in a reception for Russian alumni of Dutch educational institutions.
On July 3, 2024, at the invitation of the Dutch Embassy in Moscow, Viktoria Denisova, an alumna of the Master of Science in Logic at the University of Amsterdam, took part in a reception for Russian alumni of Dutch educational institutions.

BRICS Countries Support HSE University’s Project to Launch Fair Competition Platform

BRICS Countries Support HSE University’s Project to Launch Fair Competition Platform
A meeting of the BRICS Coordination Committee on Antimonopoly Policy was held in Geneva as part of Russia's BRICS Chairship in 2024. The meeting participants supported a project to launch a BRICS Interstate Platform on Fair Competition, developed by the International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre of HSE University and presented by the FAS of Russia as an initiative of the Russian Chairship.

International Conference on Education at ADA University

An international conference on education was held on the basis of ADA University, Azerbaijan, Baku on July 1-2.

Interdisciplinary Summer School of Digital Transformation in Public Administration

Interdisciplinary Summer School of Digital Transformation in Public Administration
From July 2 to July 3, 2024, the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration for the first time held a summer school for the training and development of specialists in the field of public administration in the context of digital transformation at the Training Center for Leadership Training (Kochubey Center) Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg. The summer school was devoted to interdisciplinary aspects of studying the problems of digital transformation in public administration. The selected students successfully completed the classes and received certificates.

The talks of the members of the laboratory delegation at the XVI All-Russian scientific conference "Modern Logic: problems and prospects" in St. Petersburg

The talks of the members of the laboratory delegation at the XVI All-Russian scientific conference "Modern Logic: problems and prospects" in St. Petersburg
From June 27th to 29th, 2024, the XVI All-Russian Scientific Conference "Modern Logic: Problems and Perspectives" took place. The conference was held at the Institute of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University and was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of SPbSU.

The scientists of the Center made presentations on the results of their research on superconductivity in complex multicomponent systems during the International Scientific Conference SUPERSTRIPES

The scientists of the Center made presentations on the results of their research on superconductivity in complex multicomponent systems during the International Scientific Conference SUPERSTRIPES
The Superstripes 2024 Conference (Ischia, Italy, June 24-29, 2024) continued the successful tradition of international scientific meetings started by the first Stripes Conference, held in Rome in 1996. The event is dedicated to the growing interest of the international scientific community in the emergence of new phenomena related to complexity in quantum matter. The goal of Superstripes 2024 is to promote the development of science and scientific culture at the highest level and unite world scientific leaders in the field of new achievements in topical topics of the science of quantum complex matter.

Researchers of the HSE Center for Language and Brain took part in the Xth International Conference on Cognitive Science in Pyatigorsk

On June 26-30, theXth International Conference on Cognitive Science, organized by the "Association for Cognitive Studies" (IACS), was held at Pyatigorsk State University. It featured oral and poster presentations on interdisciplinary studies of cognition, intelligence, mind, language and speech, acquisition and implementation of skills and knowledge, brain mechanisms of mental activity and complex behaviours. The conference was attended by leading experts in the field of interdisciplinary cognitive research, including employees of the Center for Language and Brain.

SCILA Research Results Presented in Pyatigorsk

SCILA Research Results Presented in Pyatigorsk
From June 26 to 30, 2024, the X International Conference on Cognitive Science was held at Pyatigorsk State University.

All-Russian Scientific Conference "Positive Experience of Regulating Ethno-Social and Ethno-Cultural Processes in the Regions of the Russian Federation

All-Russian Scientific Conference "Positive Experience of Regulating Ethno-Social and Ethno-Cultural Processes in the Regions of the Russian Federation
CSCR members participated in the All-Russian scientific conference "Positive experience of regulating ethno-social and ethno-cultural processes in the regions of the Russian Federation" in Kazan on June 26-29.

Doctor-patient relationship in the context of asynchronous online consultations on oncology: the boundaries of autonomy and consumerism

Doctor-patient relationship in the context of asynchronous online consultations on oncology: the boundaries of autonomy and consumerism
On June 17, 2024 a seminar was held on the topic "Doctor-patient relationship in the context of asynchronous online consultations on oncology: the boundaries of autonomy and consumerism", organized within the framework of the Research Group "Doctor-nurse-patient relationship: between professional authority and the powers of consumers of medical services".