
Research fellows of the LLFP presented papers at the X International Conference

On 25 April research fellows of the International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy made reports on sessions "The philosophy of P.F. Strawson" and "Neurosciences and moral responsibility: neuroethics perspectives".

First HSE Researchers to Receive a Patent from US Patent and Trademark Office

First HSE Researchers to Receive a Patent from US Patent and Trademark Office
The new patented method is based on a superposition of functions and considerably enhances the speed and precision of Big Data processing. The project’s authors are Fuad Aleskerov, Tenured Professor at HSE and Head of the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis, Laboratory Researchers Sergey Shvydun, Evgeny Mitichkin and Vyacheslav Yakuba, as well as Vyacheslav Chistyakov, Professor at the HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod.

Russian Women in the World Wide Web

Indicators presented by Gulnara Abdrakhmanova, Director of the HSE ISSEK Centre for Statistics and Monitoring of Information Society and Digital Economics, at a conference dedicated to the International Girls in ICT Day, help estimate Russian women’s internet activities.

Heavy-tailed and dependent models and robust inference in finance and economics

From 09 April to 16 April,  professor of Finance and Econometrics (Imperial College Business School) Rustam Ibragimov delivered a mini-course "Heavy-tailed and dependent models and robust inference in finance and economics"

Kemal Kıvanç Aköz: "Preemptive versus Counter Offers"

The 7th session of the research seminaron Diversity and Development - 2019 was held in the HSE campus at Shabolovka on April 23.

Conference "Typology of small-scale multilingualism"

Conference "Typology of small-scale multilingualism"
From 15-17 April a conference organized jointly by the Laboratory of Language Convergence, the University of Lyon, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and the Institute of Linguistics (Moscow) was held in Lyon. The conference was dedicated to the study of multilingualism in minority language communities - a field of research which has been actively pursued by Laboratory faculty for some time thanks to extensive fieldwork in Dagestan.

Website XX2 century published an interview with a member of the HSE Center for Language and Brain Yulia Akinina

Yulia Akinina told about aphasia and about the current projects of the HSE Center for Language and Brain related to this speech disorder.

10% of Patents in G20 Countries are Registered to Women

The new IQ.HSE figure of the day is taken from the review published by the HSE ISSEK Information and Coordination Centre for Cooperation With the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, based on the OECD report 'Bridging the Digital Gender Divide: Include, Upskill, Innovate'.

2019 William B. Gudykunst Outstanding Book Award for John W. Berry edited book

Professor Emeritus John W. Berry of Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario, Canada and the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia as the winner of the 2019 William B. Gudykunst Outstanding Book Award for his edited book: Mutual Intercultural Relations published by the Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Innovative vs Bureaucratic Organizational Culture: Importance for Proactivity of University Students

On April 18 Abramova O.A. (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, HSE) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Innovative vs Bureaucratic Organizational Culture: Importance for Proactivity of University Students".