
Seminar "What is unusual about the Russian mortality? Population-level evidence"

The 12th scientific seminar "Modern demography" was held on the 11th of December. Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, PhD, academic supervisor of the International laboratory for population and health of NRU HSE, research scientist at Laboratory of demographic data at Max Planck Institute for demographic research presented a paper "What is unusual about the Russian mortality? Population-level evidence".

50th Annual ASEEES Convention

ICSID team members took part in the 50th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. The Convention was held in Boston on December 6-9, 2018.

Digitalisation of Science and Innovation Policy

OECD experts presented the next issue of the Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2018, in which the Russian Intellectual System iFORA, developed by HSE ISSEK (Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge), was referred to as an example of successful initiatives in the field of digital science and innovation policy (DSIP).

Accent on Platform Solutions

Participants of the workshop 'The Future of Science and Technology in BRICS Countries: Challenges and Responses', the closing event of the 8th HSE Foresight Conference, shared the five countries’ experience of promoting research cooperation and the results of joint foresight studies.

Creating 'Users' and Studying 'Non-users' of Technologies

The social sciences and the humanities are beginning to play an increasing role in technology and innovation studies: it becomes obvious that the long-term social effects of scientific and technological development are important side of it. Similar studies are gaining momentum in Russia. For instance, HSE ISSEK has been measuring public perception of science, technology and innovation indicators in the framework of 'Monitoring the Innovative Behaviour of the Population' for more than 10 years. It latest results were presented by Alena Nefedova at the International scientific-practical conference 'Russian User Studies' (November 29 – December 1, 2018, St. Petersburg).

Center for Language and Brain members at the London Workshop on Navigated TMS

Roelien Bastiaanse and Andrey Zyryanov at targeted navigated TMS workshop for clinical applications in London

Adolescent Annihilation Fears and Lifetime Happiness: Insights from a Long-Term Longitudinal Study

On December 06 Klaus Boehnke (PhD, Professor, Bremen Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), Jacobs University Bremen, Germany; co-head,International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural ResearchNational Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Adolescent Annihilation Fears and Lifetime Happiness: Insights from a Long-Term Longitudinal Study".

Formal Philosophy – 49: the Report of Elia Zardini

Formal Philosophy – 49: the Report of Elia Zardini
On the 5th of December Elia Zardini, the Senior Research Fellow of the International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy, made a report “Unstable Knowledge” on the 49th session of theoretical seminar “Formal Philosophy”.

Videos from the CCCP conference are now available!

Videos from the CCCP conference are now available!
We have uploaded video recordings from the October 2018 conference titled "CCCP: Cortical Codes: Control and Perception" co-organized by the Center for Bioelectric Interfaces and the Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences. 

BCI-controlled exoskeleton: neurorehabilitation for patients with impaired lower limb function

BCI-controlled exoskeleton: neurorehabilitation for patients with impaired lower limb function
At the international symposium ExoRehab Spotlights 2018 held on December 5 in Moscow, researchers of the Center for Bioelectric Interfaces Nikolai Smetanin, Aleksandra Kuznetsova and Alexei Ossadtchi presented Russia's first EEG-based neural interface that uses lower limb motor imagery for exoskeleton control. Alexei Ossadtchi also made a presentation "BCI for walk decoding". This work has been a collaboration with the Russian company ExoAtlet.

Megagrant #14.641.31.0003 "Bi-directional ECoG BCIs for contol, stimulation and communication". Lead scentist: Mikhail Lebedev.