
Big Data-based Foresight for a Proactive Strategy: a Must-have Tool for Business in the Era of Digitalisation

Alexander Chulok, Director of the HSE ISSEK Centre for S&T Foresight, wrote a column for the Association of European Businesses Quarterly Magazine.

Big Data-based Foresight for a Proactive Strategy: a Must-have Tool for Business in the Era of Digitalisation

Alexander Chulok, Director of the HSE ISSEK Centre for S&T Foresight, wrote a column for the Association of European Businesses Quarterly Magazine.

Workshop "Supercomputer technologies and atomistic modeling"

Workshop "Supercomputer technologies and atomistic modeling"
The regular workshop organized by the International Laboratory for Supercomputer Atomistic Modelling and Multi-scale Analysis presented reports on the modern development of supercomputer technologies, on the HSE supercomputer, and on the results of solving various real problems using atomic modeling.

Seminar "Human longevity limits: a demographic data driven approach"

The 14th scientific seminar “Modern Demography” was hold 26 March. At the seminar, Dmitry A. Jdanov, Ph.D., head of the Laboratory of Demographic Data at the Max Planck Society for Demographic Research Institute made a presentation “Human longevity limits: a demographic data driven approach”.

ICSID new team member

Kyle Marquardt will join the Higher School of Economics in summer 2019. Kyle will have a dual affiliation at HSE: he will be an Assistant Professor in the School of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and at the same time he will be involved in joint research projects with the ICSID team members.

Measuring Science: a New Look from Vienna

Is big data going to replace conventional statistical observations of the science, technology, and innovation sphere? Participants of workshops hosted by the ISSEK and a number of partner research centres in Austria and Germany in Vienna on 6–7 March agreed that the role of statistics is only going to increase. The experts outlined the potential for cooperation in the scope of S&T research projects and educational programmes.

Program of the 9th LCSR International Workshop

Program of the 9th LCSR International Workshop
Program of the 9th LCSR International Workshop is now published online! Click to get acquainted!

Workshop “Online experiments with oTree” hosted by Department of Economics, University of Göttingen

Philipp Chapkovski has taught an extended three-days workshop on oTree for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers in the University of Goettingen. 

Interethnic attitudes in polycultural space (by the example of Serbia)

On March 21 Elena Zivkovich took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Interethnic attitudes in polycultural space (by the example of Serbia)".

Lecture by Corné Kocks on "Big Data in Precision Farming"

Lecture by Corné Kocks on "Big Data in Precision Farming"
On Wednesday, March 20 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. Dr. Ir. Corné G. Kocks gave a lecture on "Big Data in Precision Farming"