
3 weeks left to register for Cortical Codes: Control & Preception conference

On October 29-30, 2018 Cortical Codes: Control and Perception conference will be held at NRU HSE. This year the conference will be dedicated to the technology and the development of brain-machine interfaces.
To participate in the conference please register through the registration form before October 20 .

3 weeks left to register for Cortical Codes: Control & Preception conference

On October 29-30, 2018 Cortical Codes: Control and Perception conference will be held at NRU HSE. This year the conference will be dedicated to the technology and the development of brain-machine interfaces.
To participate in the conference please register through the registration form before October 20 .

Visiting researchers: who are they?

IIMS and ICSID have been actively implementing their Visiting Researchers Program for a long time. Every year, at least ten researchers from all around the world come to Moscow. Most recently, Ashley Blum, a PhD student at the University of California in Los Angeles, visited ICSID and spent about a month and a half in Moscow. We talked to Ashley about her research project and her life in the Russian capital.

The first PhD field course „Society and Advanced Technology in the Arctic“

The first PhD field course „Society and Advanced Technology in the Arctic“
The Head of the Laboratory Alexis V. Belianin took part and contributed to the first PhD field course „Society and Advanced Technology in the Arctic“ held from September 24 to September 28, 2018, as part of a three-year project on international cooperation between NRU HSE and the Arctic University of Norway (UiT)

Business Cycles in the Russian Service Sector

On 11–14 September 2018 the 34th CIRET (Centre for International Research on Economic Tendency Surveys) conference took place in Rio de Janeiro, where Tamara Lipkind, Leading Expert at the HSE ISSEK Centre for Business Tendencies Studies presented a report on business cycles in the Russian service sector.

Annual School "Active And Passive Methods Of Brain-mapping"

The dates of the Fifth annual school for young specialists "Active and passive methods of brain-mapping" have been announced.

Research seminar on September, 27: Fedor Sandomirskiy

Date & time: September, 27 (Thursday), 14.30 - 16.00. Place: 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room 171
Topic: Fairness-efficiency tradeoff in online fair division
Speaker: Fedor Sandomirskiy (HSE - St.Petersburg)

Migration Challenges in Italian, Russian and British Schools

On September 25 Lucia Bombieri took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Migration Challenges in Italian, Russian and British Schools".

AMLaP 2019 In Moscow!

During the 2018 AMLaP in Berlin it was announced that our Centre and CCCP group have been honoured with hosting next AMLaP Conference in Moscow 6th to 8th September 2019.

Vladimir L. Vasyukov and Gala V. Maksudova-Eliseeva Participated in the First Congress of the Russian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences

On September 14, researchers of the International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy took part in the First Congress “History and Philosophy of Science in the Time of Change” of the Russian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science.