
Triple Helix in Manchester

The University of Manchester (UK) hosted the XVI International Triple Helix Conference on 5-8 September, 2018. The ISSEK was represented by Mikhail Gershman, Deputy Director of the Centre for S&T, Innovation and Information Policy who presented new indicators which could help improve efficiency of public administration in the Russian R&D sphere.

Mini-course by Professor Steve Oudot (INRIA, Ecole Polytechnique)

Mini-course by Professor Steve Oudot (INRIA, Ecole Polytechnique)
On September 10 Steve Oudot, Professor at Ecole Polytechnique and Researcher at INRIA, gave a mini-course "Statistics and Learning with topological descriptors".

Natalia Zevakhina and Elena Pasalskaya Participated in the Conference in Tallinn

Natalia Zevakhina and Elena Pasalskaya Participated in the Conference in Tallinn
The Laboratory staff participated in the poster session at the international conference on linguistics.

Region 2.0 — Looking for Smart Specialisation in the Era of Global Challenges

On August, 28–29, the 5th International Management Platform named after V. N. Eitingon under the motto ‘Leadership of the future. Knowledge. Skills. Results’ took place in Voronezh. Alexander Chulok, Director of the HSE ISSEK Centre for Science and Technology Foresight, took part in the plenary session and moderated one of the sections.

Model of the content of stereotypes and different of approaches to explaining ethnic stereotypes in Russia

On September 6 Dmitry Grigoryev took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Model of the content of stereotypes and different of approaches to explaining ethnic stereotypes in Russia".

HSE Student Research Paper Competition (NIRS) has started

High school of Economocs starts to submit applications for annual Open HSE Student Research Paper Competition. Application can be submitted till October 15.

Mikhail Lebedev will make a report at The Turner Scientific Research Institute for Children`s Orthopedics

December 7, 2018. Mikhail Lebedev will make an invited speech at the round table at The Turner Scientific Research Institute for Children`s Orthopedics on the topic "Possibilities of non-invasive spinal and cranial stimulation in the complex treatment of patients with neuroorthopedic pathology"

Biomedical Clusters: an International Experience for Moscow’s Infrastructure

What is a healthy city, how many residents of the capital adhere to a healthy lifestyle, what are the opportunities for this in Moscow? These and other issues were discussed on August 27 in the press centre of TASS at the panel discussion ‘Infrastructure of a healthy city’, organised by the Foundation of the International Medical Cluster, Moscow Centre of urban studies ‘City’ and VCIOM. The event was attended by Evgeniy Kutsenko, head of the HSE ISSEK Russian Cluster Observatory.

Participation in the Summer School in Bulgaria in August 2018

Participation in the Summer School in Bulgaria in August 2018
Виталий Долгоруков, Александра Павлова и Денис Федянин приняли участие в 30-й европейской летней школе по логике, языку и информации (30TH EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOL IN LOGIC, LANGUAGE AND INFORMATION), которая прошла в Софийском Университете с 6-го по 17-е августа.

Ozcan Saritas Took Part in the 4th Asia-Pacific Futurists Network Conference

On August 28-29, 2018, the 4th Asia-Pacific Futurists Network Conference was held in Bangkok. On August 30, among the associated events of the conference, the opening ceremony of the Innovation Foresight Institute took place, founded at the initiative of the National Innovation Agency of Thailand. Deputy Head of the ISSEK Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies Ozcan Saritas attended these events.