
Russia Moves to the 10th Place in R&D Expenditures Ranking The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presented a ranking of 20 countries — leaders in terms of gross domestic expenditures on research and development (GERD).

BRICS Countries Catching Up with EU and US in Publication Activity, According to Scopus

HSE ISSEK researchers Maxim Kotsemir and Sergey Shashnov have reviewed the BRICS countries' research landscape using data from 2000—2015 from the Scopus citation database. They found that academic activity in the BRICS is growing at a fast pace and catching up with that of the EU countries and the US.

BRICS Countries Catching Up with EU and US in Publication Activity, According to Scopus

HSE ISSEK researchers Maxim Kotsemir and Sergey Shashnov have reviewed the BRICS countries' research landscape using data from 2000—2015 from the Scopus citation database. They found that academic activity in the BRICS is growing at a fast pace and catching up with that of the EU countries and the US.

Andrei Yakovlev as a guest researcher in Bremen

From August 13 to 25, 2018, IIMS Director Andrei Yakovlev is visiting the University of Bremen on invitation of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics, working group of Jutta Günther. His visit takes place within the DAAD Eastern Partnership program and serves to continue and intensify joint academic research, exchange and development of future fields of cooperation.

Global Сhallenges to Moscow

The Moscow City Department of Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Higher School of Economics held a joint field foresight session in the scope of setting up the Moscow Innovation and Production Cluster. More than 200 experts — representatives of the research and education community, innovative businesses, and public authorities discussed priority areas for development of the capital city’s S&T sector, global trends affecting the city’s economy, and incentives and cooperation mechanisms which would help to make a technological leap.

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya and Vladimir L. Vasyukov Made Reports at the Symposium in Austria

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya and Vladimir L. Vasyukov Made Reports at the Symposium in Austria
The Head of Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy and Leading Research Fellow made reports as guest lecturers at the symposium on philosophy of logic and mathematics.

Tatiana Karabchuk on Laboratory for Comparative Social Research

Tatiana Karabchuk on Laboratory for Comparative Social Research
Tatiana Karabchuk, Assistant Professor at UAE University & Visiting Professor at Hitotsubashi University, ex-Deputy Head and Senior Associate Researcher at Laboratory for Comparative Social Research on her working experience at the LCSR.

Publication in NeuroImage

"Phase shift invariant imaging of coherent sources (PSIICOS) from MEG data" by Alexei Ossadtchi, Dmitrii Altukhov and Karim Jerby is published in the NeuroImage journal (Q1, impact factor 5.4).

Jorge Luis Mendez Martinez Made a Report at the Conference on Metaphysics in Bratislava

Jorge Luis Mendez Martinez Made a Report at the Conference on Metaphysics in Bratislava
Research Assistant of Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy took part in the conference on metaphysics

Russia’s Place in International Publication Activity Ranking: Medical Sciences

The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents information about Russia’s place in a ranking of countries by the number of academic publications on medical and health sciences.