
Mini-course by Professor A. Veretennikov

From 3 August to 10 August, Professor A. Veretennikov (University of Leeds, UK) and the Leading Research Fellow of the laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and it's application delivered a mini-course on the following topics:

Seminar was held on August 1

On August first, a seminar was conducted at the Center for Bioelectric Interfaces. Current and ongoing research was presented by the members of the center.

Russia in the World Publication Activity Ranking: Social Sciences

The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge has carried out an analysis of ranking of countries by publication activity in the social sciences.

International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFOCOMP 2018)

International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFOCOMP 2018)
In July, the eighth conference of series International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFOCOMP) was held. The laboratory fellow Vsevolod Nikolskiy made there a report.

"Perceptions, Prejudices and Partitions: Conceptual and Methodological Implications of Corporate Isolation and Exclusion"

"Perceptions, Prejudices and Partitions: Conceptual and Methodological Implications of Corporate Isolation and Exclusion"
Heike Hennig-Schmidt was invited to give a talk on 5TH GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY in the Session "Perceptions, Prejudices and Partitions: Conceptual and Methodological Implications of Corporate Isolation and Exclusion" at the Global Conference on Economic Geography, Cologne, July 24-28, 2018.

October, 29-30: CCCP (Cortical Codes: Control & Perception) Conference

October, 29-30 the Cortical Codes: Control & Perception (CCCP) conference will be held in HSE, Moscow.

Clusters are Moving Closer in Moscow

On July 25, a four-day strategic session 'Strategic Priorities and New Opportunities for the Development of Innovative Clusters' was opened in Moscow. The event was organised by the Ministry of Economic Development, RVC JSC jointly with the Higher School of Economics. Representatives of government offices, leading universities, scientific organisations and enterprises involved in the activities of the clusters discussed new challenges and directions of development in the format of strategic sessions. A cross-cutting theme, the digitalisation, was examined in light of the federal priorities, best regional practices and common problems.

Congratulations to Kozhina Anna on the defense of her candidate dissertation

Congratulations to Kozhina Anna on the defence of her candidate dissertation at Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, HSE, and also on the defence of her thesis at University of Heidelberg (Germany), earning her the title of PhD.

Traditional summer math-school in Yaroslavl

Traditional summer math-school in Yaroslavl
Eighth summer school "Algebra and Geometry" has finished

7 Figures on Russian Education

The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge published the statistical data book 'Education in figures'. It includes data describing the current state and development dynamics of the general, vocational, and higher education in Russia. Here are a few of the more interesting figures.