
Research seminar on March, 21: Elena Parilina (AM&CP SPbSU)

Time: 16.50 - 18.10
Place: 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room: 354

Research workshop on Sports Economics

Research workshop on Sports Economics
On Friday, March 2, Ksenia Baidina, a graduate of the Higher School of Economics, gave a talk at the IDLab research workshop on sports economics

Personality metatraits: the experience of research on the Russian sample

On March 1 Tatarko A.N. (PhD, professor) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Personality metatraits: the experience of research on the Russian sample".

Digital Outlook of Russian Scientists

Experts at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge found out to what extent modern digital technologies have taken over the activities of Russian PhD holders.

The third year of the RSF project

The third year of the RSF project
The ICSID project on public-private partnerships in VET that is supported by the Russian Science Foundation was extended for another year. The three-year project started in 2016 thanks to a generous grant by the RSF, and involves researchers from ICSID and the Institute of Education at HSE.

Center for Language and Brain Wins 3-Year Grant to Study Prevention, Diagnostics and Therapy of Language Disorders

New article about Center for Language and Brain was published recently on the website of our University: "Neurolinguistics Laboratory Wins 3-Year Grant to Study Prevention, Diagnostics and Therapy of Language Disorders".

Master’s Programme in Comparative Social Research Now Offers a Double Degree Option

HSE has signed an agreement for a double degree programme with the Free University of Berlin in Germany. The agreement encompasses the Master's programme in Comparative Social Research and its German counterpart will be the ‘East European Studies’ programme.

Economic freedom and firm performance: evidence from Russian companies

Economic freedom and firm performance: evidence from Russian companies
On February 23, 2018 in The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (US) associate professor of Economics and Finance Department, research fellow of IDLab Anna Bykova at research workshop presented the results of joint research with prof. Dennis Coates entitled “Economic freedom and firm performance: evidence from Russian companies”.

Research seminar on February, 28: Kirill Romanyuk (Department of Finance)

Time: 16.50 - 18.10
Place: 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room: 343

Academic Supervisor of Laboratory Eric Moulines gave a talk «Perturbed Proximal Gradient Algorithms»

On February 22 at the Faculty of Computer Science Colloquium Academic Supervisor of Laboratory Eric Moulines gave a talk «Perturbed Proximal Gradient Algorithms».