
7th International ICSID Conference «Political Economy of Development: Historical and Contemporary Factors»

7th International ICSID Conference «Political Economy of Development: Historical and Contemporary Factors»
7th Annual Conference of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) «Political Economy of Development: Historical and Contemporary Factors» took place at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow on June 7-9, 2018.

ICSID Academic supervisor Timothy Frye received an HSE award

ICSID Academic supervisor Timothy Frye received an HSE award
Timothy Frye was awarded a Medal of Honor from HSE for his active involvement in the work of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID). The award was presented personally by HSE Academic Supervisor Professor Evgeny Yasin during one of the sessions of the 7th ICSID Conference "Political Economy of Development: Historical and Contemporary Factors" on June 8.

25 Professions for the Future for which HSE is Training Students

The labour market is changing rapidly and radically. The changes are already apparent and are certain to become even more pronounced in the coming years. Accordingly, the question 'which professions are going to be in demand in 5-10 years’ time' becomes increasingly important: what qualifications should be acquired now to have labour market-relevant knowledge and skills upon graduation? The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) experts addressed these issues in the scope of the targeted project to identify professions for the future.

Lecture by professor Nikolay Priezjev on wetting properties of structured surfaces explored by MD simulations

Professor N. Priezjev describes molecular dynamics model used in this work.
On Friday, June 8, seminar "Supercomputer and Multiscale Modelling of Condensed Phase and Biological Systems" was held. Professor Nikolay Piezjev gave a talk on investigation of wetting properties of of structured interfaces in 2 parts.

How the Industry Spends Money on Innovation

The proportion of innovative products from the Russian manufacturing industry on the global market is not more than 1%. Most of the products are either "breakthrough" for organisations, but already common in the industry (65%), or are an improvement based on previous products (about 23%), according to the HSE ISSEK information bulletin series “Science, Technology, Innovation”.

Dr. Wim Tops (University of Groningen) gave the talk "From boosting early reading development to diagnosing adults with dyslexia"

Dr. Wim Tops (University of Groningen) gave the talk "From boosting early reading development to diagnosing adults with dyslexia"
Dr. Wim Tops (University of Groningen) gave the talk "From boosting early reading development to diagnosing adults with dyslexia" at the Center for Language and Brain HSE.

Workers for Digital Economy

The impact of digitalisation of the economy on the national labour market commanded increased attention in recent years. Development of information and communication technologies (ICT) leads to the emergence of new professions and promotes employment in the ICT sector. Experts at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) have calculated, on the basis of the Rosstat survey, how many people work in ICT-related professions.

Creators of the Future: #foresight4EU

On June 4–5, 2018, the main European foresight conference — FTA2018 conference was held in Brussels. Future in the making #foresight4EU. It was organised by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, which has a long history of partnership with the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre. The staff of the centre Alexander Sokolov, Alexander Chulok, Sergey Shashnov, Ozcan Saritas and Maxim Kotsemir took part in the event.

Legislative Aspects of Global Economic Development Discussed at International Forum

On June 4–5, the Development of Parliamentarism International Forum was held in Moscow. HSE experts took part in the forum organization, with several research departments from the university providing programming support for the event. The team of experts included four ISSEK employees — Alexander Sokolov, Tatyana Meshkova, Yadviga Radomirova and Evgeny Moiseichev.

International conference «LSA Summer meeting»

International laboratory of stochastic analysis and its applications organizes the international conference "LSA Summer meeting" with the participation of foreign leading researchers on 04-05 June 2018.