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Cluster Policy: Reaching Global Competitiveness

The publication prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Joint stock company (corporation) “Russian Venture Company” and the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", is devoted to the results of the competitive selection of clusters participating in the priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation "Development of Innovative Clusters — leaders in world-class investment attractiveness".

HSE will enhance the science and technology foresight system for the CIS

The Commonwealth of Independent States needs a new development agenda, distinct from the model based on the export of raw materials. Ways in which HSE can strengthen foresight as a basis for a long-term partnership with the CIS countries in the field of R&D were discussed at the 20th meeting of the Interstate Council for Cooperation in STI (June 27—28, HSE and Business and Cultural Complex of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Russia).

Website of the Atlas of Multilingualism of Daghestan Launched

Employees of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory are working on an Atlas of Multilingualism of Daghestan. With support of the laboratory and the Collegium de Lyon a website was created recently, which can be used as a resource for the research of social and georgraphical particularities of multilingualism in Daghestan.

The laboratory organized a grant competition for creating spoken language corpora

The international linguistic convergence laboratory organized a grant competition for creating spoken language corpora. The admission of applications ended on June 25th. What was the aim of the competition and why is it important to record spoken language?

Foresight and STI Governance no 2, 2017

In the special issue of the journal various aspects of the integration of education, research and innovation activities of universities based on the model of “knowledge triangle” are being considered. The experts from Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Sweden, Iran, Indonesia and OECD share the achievements upon the subject.

Foresight and STI Governance no 2, 2017

In the special issue of the journal various aspects of the integration of education, research and innovation activities of universities based on the model of “knowledge triangle” are being considered. The experts from Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Sweden, Iran, Indonesia and OECD share the achievements upon the subject.

IDLab members Iuliia Naidenova and Sofia Paklina, and GAMES Lab member Eugenia Popova, took part in Barcelona GSE Summer School

IDLab members Iuliia Naidenova and Sofia Paklina, and GAMES Lab member Eugenia Popova, took part in Barcelona GSE Summer School
In 3-7 July IDLab members Iuliia Naidenova and Sofia Paklina, and lecturer of Economics and Finance Department of HSE Perm and GAMES Lab member Eugenia Popova, took part in Barcelona GSE Summer School and passed the Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Evaluation course

Master’s Degree, what next?

On June 30, at the graduation ceremony students of the ISSEK Master's programme "Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation" will meet up to go separate ways after. It is interesting, what paths will they choose? We present one of the 42 career tracks of the students of the 2017 graduation class — the story of Daria Kuzmina, who has recently started working at the International Association of Public Transport (Brussels).

Computer Science Faculty Hosts Conference on Theoretical Computer Science

On June 14 the workshop ‘Complexity of Computation, Communication, Descriptions, and Proofs’, organized by the Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science, was held at HSE Faculty of Computer Sciences. The conference was organized as part of the major international conference ‘Computer Science in Russia’.

Lecture by Professor E.Artemov from University of Melbourne

On Wednesday, June 28 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. Professor E. Artemov gave a lecture on «Strategic "Mistakes": Implications for Market Design Research»


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