
Scientific Report "Agglomeration effects in Russian manufacturing"

HSE International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) and NES Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions held another session of their Research Seminar on Diversity and Development. The event was held jointly with the seminar “Political Economy”.

The session of International Laboratory of Intangible-driven economy took place at University of Vigo, Spain

The session of International Laboratory of Intangible-driven economy took place at University of Vigo, Spain
The session held on  January 17-21 was dedicated to the development of Laboratory strategy for 2017-2019 years, discussion of the issue of attracting new members and more academic contacts.

Vitaliy Roud: “Innovations Mean Multiple Communications. It Is a Difficult and Risky Strategy”

In the Bloomberg's ranking of the world's 50 most innovative countries, Russia is on the 26th place, and it lost ground heavily (by 14 points) in comparison with other countries. Vitaliy Roud (research fellow, Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, HSE ISSEK) commented the Bloomberg Innovation Index which includes a small proportion of indicators Global Innovation Index (GII) on RBC TV.

A lecture by Vsevolod Malinovskiy (CEMI RAS) was hold

A lecture by Vsevolod Malinovskiy (CEMI RAS) was hold
On Wednesday, January 18 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. Vsevolod Malinovskiy from CEMI RAS gave a lecture on «Dynamic model of company in the insurance market considered as a complex reflexive system»

Cooperation Strategies of Enterprises: the Duration of Collaboration

Research fellows of the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Economics of Innovation studied the duration of cooperation in innovation activities. The results are reported in HSE ISSEK information bulletin series “Science, Technology, Innovation”.

Petr Parshakov spoke on the scientific seminar at University of Vigo, Spain

Petr Parshakov spoke on the scientific seminar at University of Vigo, Spain
Petr Parshakov spoke on the scientific seminar of School of Economics and Business Administration at University of Vigo, Spain on the 18th January, where he presented the results of the study «Team vs. Individual Tournaments: Evidence from Prize Structure in eSports», implemented jointly with Dennis Coates in the framework of PhD thesis at University of Vigo.

Research Seminar on January 20, 2017.

Topic: Tropical geometry in auctions
Speaker: Nikita Kalinin (CINVESTAV, Mexico)
The workshop will take place at 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room 356 (3rd floor) at 16:50.

8th Annual Conference in Political Economy “The Political Economy of Inequalities and Instabilities in the 21st Century” (Berlin, September 13-15, 2017)

IIPPE, CPERN and IPE call for general submissions for the Conference but particularly welcome those on its core themes of inequalities and instabilities, which will be the focus for the plenary sessions. Proposals for presentations will, however, be considered on all aspects of political economy. New participants committed to political economy, interdisciplinarity, history of economic thought, critique of mainstream economics, and/or their application to policy analysis and activism are encouraged to submit an abstract. Deadline is April 1, 2017.

Andrei Yakovlev, Head of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies, became a member of the Academic Advisory Board working on the Discuss Data project

The project is initiated as collaboration between the Research Centre for East European Studies of the University of Bremen (FSO), Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) and supported with the grant from the German Research Council (DFG).

Michael Röckner was elected the president of the German Mathematical Society

Michael Röckner was elected the president of the German Mathematical Society.Michael Röckner, one of the lab friends ( was elected the new president of the German Mathematical Society. Scientific cooperation of Professor Röckner with the members of the laboratory has led to the publication of a number of joint articles. Professor Röckner is the leader of the stochastic analysis group and the director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Bielefeld (Germany), and also the recipient of the Max Planck Award. Detailed information is available on the website of the German Mathematical Society