
Lecture by Roeland Hancock "Neurochemistry of speech oscillations"

Roeland Hancock is from the University of California, San Francisco, USA

For fair elections

New article by Margarita Zavadskaya (LCSR Senior Research Fellow) and her colleagues titled "When do political parties join protests? A comparative analysis of party involvement in “for fair elections” movement" was published in the recent issue of "East European Politics". 

Research Assistant Alexey Nikolayev got a scholarship

Congratulations Alexey Nikolaev on the award of scholarships named after Ilya Segalovich

Civic activities in Eastern Europe

New article by Alla Marchenko (LCSR Asssociate Researcher) titled "Civic activities in Eastern Europe: links with democratic political culture" was published in the recent issue of "East European Politics".

April 21, professor Henry Levin (Columbia University) talk about why it is important to invest in the education of disadvantaged.

April 21, professor Henry Levin (Columbia University) talk about why it is important to invest in the education of disadvantaged.
Students from disadvantaged families face obstacles in reaching and completing higher education.

Workshop on 8th of April

We are happy to invite listeners to the lab's workshop "Game Theory, Mechanism Design and Market Equilibria". All the information you can find on the "Events" page (link on the right).

Mini-course "Topics in Game Thory: Cooperative Games"

On the 5th and 6th of April, the heads of the international laboratory of game theory and decision making will read the mini-course "Topics in Game Thory: Cooperative Games". The course is mandatory for 3rd year bachelor students (program "Economics"), but the lectures are open for the attendance. You can find the schedule in the extended version of this post.

Wages of Policemen

The article by Tatiana Karabchuk (LCSR Associate Researcher) and Ruslan Almukhametov (ex-research assistant of LCSR) titled "Wages of Policemen in Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Russia" was published in March issue of "Journal of Economic Sociology".

Winners of the National Award in Applied Economics 2016 Announced

The prestigious National Award has been granted to Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Professor at the Paris School of Economics, and Evgeny Yakovlev, Professor and Director of the New Economic School Data Centre, for their paper ‘The Unequal Enforcement Of Liberalization: Evidence From Russia's Reform Of Business Regulation’*. The National Award in Applied Economics is given once every two years for outstanding published papers that analyse the Russian economy at the country, industry, regional, or company level.

Board of directors networks in Russian companies

On March 30 Marina Zavertiaeva presented preliminary calculation on her joint paper with Felix Iturriaga.