
Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight

This report presents materials for the Foresight that were prepared by the National Research University Higher School of Economics at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. More than 2000 Russian and foreign experts, including representatives of leading research centres, universities, companies, technological platforms, and innovative regional clusters took part in this study.

Pocket Data Book: Science and Technology. Innovation. Information Society

The pocket data book contains main indicators characterizing S&T, innovation and Information Society in the Russian Federation.

Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight

This report presents materials for the Foresight that were prepared by the National Research University Higher School of Economics at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. More than 2000 Russian and foreign experts, including representatives of leading research centres, universities, companies, technological platforms, and innovative regional clusters took part in this study.

The results of 2015!

NRU HSE has summarized the academic results of 2015. We congratulate the LCSR colleagues whose articles were announced in the list of the best researches.

Top-15. Most interesting research at HSE in 2015

Papers by several IIMS research fellows were included in the list of top 15 research projects of HSE in 2015, according to

Migration background and educational achievements in Russia

January 14, Edgar Demetrio Tovar-García, PhD in Economics, University of Barcelona, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Policy (Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE) took part in the "Culture Matters" research seminar with the report on "Migration background and educational achievements in Russia".

Figure of the day: 90%

of Russian families are generally satisfied with the quality of the education that their children receive in universities. These data were obtained during a survey of Russian families with children up to 25 years of age. The survey was conducted in the fall of 2015 as part of a Monitoring of Education Markets and Organizations (MEMO) study carried out jointly by the Higher School of Economics and the Public Opinion Foundation. A newsletter highlighting the research is planned for publication in 2016.

Figure of the day: 22,4%

of those who are currently working toward Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science degrees in Russia are younger than 40 years old. The Monitoring of the Labour Market for Highly Qualified R&D Personnel survey was conducted across Russia in September-October 2015 based on a representative sampling. In total, 2,150 people were surveyed.

Figure of the day: 22,4%

of those who are currently working toward Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science degrees in Russia are younger than 40 years old. The Monitoring of the Labour Market for Highly Qualified R&D Personnel survey was conducted across Russia in September-October 2015 based on a representative sampling. In total, 2,150 people were surveyed.

ASSA Meeting in San Francisco

ICSID post-doc research fellow Israel Marques took part in the meeting of the Allied Social Sciences Association that was held in San Francisco, USA, on January 2, 2016.