
11% of Russians who vacation abroad organise their trips themselves

The majority of vacationers, who travel abroad (excluding the CIS countries) rely on travel agencies (86% of respondents). This was shown by the results of the latest Monitoring Survey of Innovative Behavior of the Population, carried out by the HSE ISSEK.

Maria Molodhick Gives a Presentation June 3rd

June 3rd saw a presentation given by Maria Molodchik on her joint paper with Professor Carlos Fernandez-Jardon Fernandez “Intangible-driven performance: SMEs versus large companies”.

15% — the average share of profit in the earnings of companies producing knowledge-based services in 2013

These calculations were made by researchers at ISSEK following a survey of 600 heads of Russian companies producing knowledge-based services in 2013. The survey was conducted by the Higher School of Economics as part of the Monitoring of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services in Russia, a project carried out under the HSE’s Basic Research Programme.

ID Lab Team Has a Kickoff Meeting at HSE-Perm

A kickoff meeting of the International Laboratory of intangible-driven economy has been held at the HSE campus in Perm. 

Evgeny Yasin Reelected HSE Academic Supervisor, Alexander Shokhin – HSE President

At a meeting of HSE’s Academic Council on May 30, Evgeny Yasin was reelected as the university’s academic supervisor, and Alexander Shokhin — as HSE’s president.

Yaroslav Kuzminov Confirmed as HSE Rector for the Next 5 Years

On May 28, 2014 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed off the papers confirming that Yaroslav Kuzminov will remain in his role as Rector of the HSE for the next five years.

Lectures by Professor at University of Amsterdam Ulle Endriss were held

The lectures on «Computational Social Choice» were held on May 27 and 30.

Speaker: Ulle Endriss (University of Amsterdam)

Technology Platforms as a Technology and a Platform for International Cooperation

Technology platforms, which allow participants to allocate resources invested in value chains more sensibly and efficiently, is a relatively new STI policy tool. It was originally designed in the early 2000s in Europe and then, following its successful application, adopted in Russia. On 20 May, prospects for cooperation between Russian and European technology platforms were discussed at Higher School of Economics.

70% of Russians have not taken a single vacation outside their own residential areas in the last year

These results were reported by HSE ISSEK research group guided by Konstantin Fursov following another wave of the Monitoring Survey of Innovative Behavior of the Population, which covered 1,575 Russian citizens ages 16—74 in late 2013.

Over-education among Immigrants in Europe: The Value of Civic Involvement

Nicolas Griesshaber's article at the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies