
Laboratory delegates presented their works at the XVI Baikal International Triannual School-Seminar "Methods of Optimization and Their Applications"

Laboratory delegates presented their works at the XVI Baikal International Triannual School-Seminar "Methods of Optimization and Their Applications" that took place on June, 30 - July, 6 at Olkhon

High Taxes, Low Demand Dampen Growth

Experts from the HSE Center for Business Tendency Studies at the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge have found that limited demand, high taxes, lack of financial means and a high level of uncertainty in the onward course of economic development all reduce the length of time for which businesspeople can plan, in turn obstructing investment and innovative initiatives.

Law “On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation” is passed

As of 11 July, the federal law of 28 June, 2014 # 172-FZ “On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation” became effective. The system of major documents which define approaches to planning and forecasting now includes Russian S&T foresight. The Higher School of Economics, and in particular the ISSEK experts were commissioned by the RF Ministry of Education and Science to coordinate its development.

State Formation and Frontier Society: An Empirical Examination

A new working paper by Roberto Foa and Anna Nemirovskaya

Report on IAMO Forum 2014

26th June on IAMO Forum 2014, Halle, Germany held report A. Yakovlev «The Effectiveness of Simple Homogeneous Commodity Procurement under Rigid Governmental Regulation: The Case of Granulated Sugar Procurement in Russia». Co-authors of the report were O. Demidova and A. Bashina.

The 4th Summer School: "Designing mixed-method research in cross-cultural psychology"

On June 6-9, the International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research held its fourth international Summer School. The summer school was focused on improving the research proposals of the participants and brininging them up to standards for publication of the leading international scientific journals.

An international conference "The social psychology of economic and cultural change"

On June 10-11 International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Sociocultural Research has held an international conference “The social psychology of economic and cultural change”. They keynote speakers were : Cigdem Kagitcibasi (Koc University, Turkey), Shalom Schwartz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel), Fons van de Vijver (Tilburg University, Netherlands), and Seger Breugelmans (Tilburg University, Netherlands). Researchers from the Laboratory and other institutions also presented their research.

On Wednesday, July 02 the working seminar was held.

On Wednesday, July 02 the working seminar was held.
Speaker: Y. Veselova, research assistant of HSE International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis
Title: "A behavioral perspective on social choice"

Leonid Gokhberg: “Regional innovation development rating is a natural next step in our research”

On 27 June, the Parlamentskaya Gazeta’s press centre hosted a round table discussion “Measuring regions’ performance: efficiency and control techniques”. One of the participants was first vice-rector, director of the NRU HSE ISSEK Leonid Gokhberg. He presented the innovation development rating of the RF regions which the Higher School of Economics was calculating for several years in a row.

Neurolinguistic Laboratory on the Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Science

Laboratory staff presented their reports on the Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Science which was held in Kaliningrad, Russia, June 23-27, 2014.