
New Political Issues, Niche Parties, And Spatial Voting In Multiparty Systems: Immigration As A Dimension Of Electoral Competition In Scandinavia

A new working paper by Kirill Zhirkov

9% of Russian Internet Users Involved in Self-Study Choose Online Methods of Education

The data was obtained as part of the next wave of the Monitoring of Innovative Behavior of the Population, carried out by the HSE ISSEK.

Summer School of International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis was held

The following lectures were delivered at Summer School:
     Lecture 1. Aleskander V. Lotov - "Big Data: Learning and Choice Supported by Approximate Data Enveloping and Visualization"
     Lecture 2. Sergiy Butenko - "Clique Relaxations in Networks: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications"

The Summer School was held from June 4 to June 5.

June 4th Events

On June 4th, the Laboratory’s international leading research fellows attended the defense of HSE-Perm Bachelor’s theses. Also one of the Laboratory’s team members, Marina Oskolkova, presented her paper which focuses on portfolio forming decisions based on IC indicators.

ISSEK moves house

At the beginning of the summer most of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge’s research centres and laboratories have moved over to the HSE’s new premises. Make a note of the address: 9-11 Myasnitskaya St.

HSE top management re-elected

On 28 May, the RF prime minister Dmitry Medvedev signed regulation appointing Yaroslav Kuzminov the NRU HSE rector for the next five-year period. On 30 May, at a meeting of the Academic Council, the rector confirmed appointment of the university’s top management. Yevgeny Yasin was re-elected as HSE academic supervisor, and Alexander Shokhin – as president. The ISSEK director Leonid Gokhberg was confirmed as first vice-rector.

11% of Russians who vacation abroad organise their trips themselves

The majority of vacationers, who travel abroad (excluding the CIS countries) rely on travel agencies (86% of respondents). This was shown by the results of the latest Monitoring Survey of Innovative Behavior of the Population, carried out by the HSE ISSEK.

Maria Molodhick Gives a Presentation June 3rd

June 3rd saw a presentation given by Maria Molodchik on her joint paper with Professor Carlos Fernandez-Jardon Fernandez “Intangible-driven performance: SMEs versus large companies”.

15% — the average share of profit in the earnings of companies producing knowledge-based services in 2013

These calculations were made by researchers at ISSEK following a survey of 600 heads of Russian companies producing knowledge-based services in 2013. The survey was conducted by the Higher School of Economics as part of the Monitoring of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services in Russia, a project carried out under the HSE’s Basic Research Programme.

ID Lab Team Has a Kickoff Meeting at HSE-Perm

A kickoff meeting of the International Laboratory of intangible-driven economy has been held at the HSE campus in Perm.