
3.6% of Students in Russian Universities are Foreigners

These figures are from the new data book prepared by HSE ISSEK ‘Education in the Russian Federation’, due to be published towards the end of 2014.

4th LSCR International Workshop. Day 8

Maria Kravtsova's overview

Leonid Gokhberg: “Innovation Policy Must Become the Core of the National Socio-Economic Policy”

On 2 April, 2014 the RF prime minister Dmitry Medvedev visited the Higher School of Economics, to discuss with the participants of the XV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development the steps the government should be taking to support innovation and social policy in the new context. Leonid Gokhberg, first vice-rector and director of the NRU HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, contributed to the discussion. Here’s a transcript of his comments.

4th LSCR International Workshop. Day 7

Ekaterina Dergunova tells about the most interesting events of the day

High achievers are the best in applying their school knowledge

High achievers are the best in applying their school knowledge
On April 2, 2014 at the XV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development the "Development of Education» section has discussed the results of international comparative studies of the quality of education TIMSSi PISA on the same sample of Russian schoolchildren.

Laura Solanko: ‘An Academic Today Cannot Help but Want to Create and Work’

As part of the XV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, a ceremony took place to award the National Prize for Applied Economics, which this year went to William Pyle and Laura Solanko for their convincing validation of Mancur Olson’s hypothesis using unique data on Russian business associations.

The Five 'C's: Essential Elements for Building Foresight

Attila Havas, PhD, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, shared his views with the HSE news service on the development of foresight practices in Russia and around the world, and talked about his impressions of the April Conference, where for the first time he is a participant and moderator of sections dedicated to foresight practices.

The Five 'C's: Essential Elements for Building Foresight

Attila Havas, PhD, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, shared his views with the HSE news service on the development of foresight practices in Russia and around the world, and talked about his impressions of the April Conference, where for the first time he is a participant and moderator of sections dedicated to foresight practices.

The Five 'C's: Essential Elements for Building Foresight

Attila Havas, PhD, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, shared his views with the HSE news service on the development of foresight practices in Russia and around the world, and talked about his impressions of the April Conference, where for the first time he is a participant and moderator of sections dedicated to foresight practices.

4th LSCR International Workshop. Day 6

by Victoria Remezkova