
Polarization Measurement through Ordered Latent Class Analysis

A report by Boris Sokolov at the regular LCSR seminar

On Tuesday, December 03 a Meeting and a Scientific Seminar of the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis was held

Speaker: Panos M. Pardalos, Center for Applied Optimization (CAO), Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, USA and Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis (LATNA), Higher School of Economics (HSE)
Topic: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Dynamic and Massive Networks

On Thursday, November 28 a Meeting and a Scientific Seminar of the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis was held

Speaker: Franz Hubert (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Topic: "Measuring bargaining power in networks"

Police economic moonlighting in transformation societies: the “police culture” perspective

A report by Anastasia Dubova at the regular LCSR seminar

International media cover Moscow's Cluster Summit

Taking a cue from international trends, the government is looking to boost growth and diversification through fostering economic clusters. International media “The Moscow News” and “Voice of Russia” discuss the topic basing on the results of the recent Cluster Summit in Moscow and presents HSE First Vice Rector, ISSEK Director Dr. Leonid Gokhberg’s comments.

From Russia with Foresight — ISSEK expert on Hawaiian TV

Can we do without genetically modified organisms in the future? Will smart drugs and 3D bioprinting provide immortality for humans? How are Russian and American (USA) Foresight models different? These are only few topics of those discussed at the TV feature show called “From Russia with Foresight” — a programme that the Hawaii non-profit organisation “ThinkTech Hawaii” shot specifically to acquaint the audience with the Russian Foresight, presented by Head of the HSE ISSEK department of S&T Foresight Alexander Chulok.

Third LCSR Conference. The Final Report

by Maria Kravtsova

Representations of the Russian and Nationalist “Golden Age” in the perspective of Belorussian expectations

A new article by Marharyta Fabrikant

Measure Harmony with Algebra

An LCSR panel at the 7th EUSP annual conference "Exhibition of Achievements of the Scientific Industry"

LCSR International Conference - Day 5

by Anastasia Dubova