
On Monday, June 3 a Scientific Seminar of the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis was held

The following topics were discussed at the seminar:
1. Kostomarov Vadim -  "Axiomatics of Esteban's and Ray’s polarization measure. Application to Aleskerov-Golubenko index";
2. Mirishli Denis and Mohovikov Anton -  "Programming matrix-vector representation for uncovered and k-stable sets".

NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Examining Robustness and Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure Networks"

NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Examining Robustness and Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure Networks" takes place on June 3-5, 2013 in Kyiv, Ukraine.

On Wednesday, May 29 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. Andranik Tangian (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Title: "Macroeconomic analysis of Flexicurity with Regard to the Crisis"

Space launches begin with the roadmaps

Startup Village, the largest start-up conference in Russia, took place on May 26-28th 2013. It was attended by more than 3,000 representatives from innovative companies, venture capital funds, government authorities, development and research institutes, the media, as well as leading experts of the International Research and Educational Foresight Center HSE.

Space launches begin with the roadmaps

Startup Village, the largest start-up conference in Russia, took place on May 26-28th 2013. It was attended by more than 3,000 representatives from innovative companies, venture capital funds, government authorities, development and research institutes, the media, as well as leading experts of the International Research and Educational Foresight Center HSE.

Information Bulletin “Statistical Characteristics of Professional Education Sphere”, 2013, no 1 (64)

The next issue of the Monitoring of Education Markets and Organizations (MEMO) information brochures series has been published. The bulletin presents a statistical survey covering activities of educational institutions in lower vocational, secondary vocational and higher education.

Summer School on Operational Research and Applications

The Summer School on Operational Research and Applications  took place on May 14 – 18, 2013 in the sport complex "Berezka" in Nizhny Novgorod.  The school was sponsored by the Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis of the Higher School of Economics.

Joining the OECD: pros and cons

On 23 May, 2013 the RF Ministry of Economic Development hosted an expert workshop “Russia’s joining the OECD: evaluating possible consequences”. The workshop was moderated by Vladimir Tkachenko, director of International Organisations Department of the Ministry of Economic Development, and Leonid Gokhberg, first vice-rector of the HSE and director of the ISSEK.

The Creative Class and Subjective Well-being: Multilevel Analysis

A report by Irina Vartanova at the LCSR regular seminar

Panos M. Pardalos will become one of the key figures of the Social Networks and Economics in Sport conference

Panos M. Pardalos will become one of the key figures of the Social Networks and Economics in Sport conference, which will be held in Moscow on May 27-29. By the request of SBC Magazine Professor Pardalos noted the most important moments connected with the interaction of sport issues and social networks.