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Third LCSR Conference. The Final Report

by Maria Kravtsova

Representations of the Russian and Nationalist “Golden Age” in the perspective of Belorussian expectations

A new article by Marharyta Fabrikant

Measure Harmony with Algebra

An LCSR panel at the 7th EUSP annual conference "Exhibition of Achievements of the Scientific Industry"

LCSR International Conference - Day 5

by Anastasia Dubova

LCSR International Conference - Day 4

Margarita Vorsina presents a review of the fourth day of our Conference 

LCSR International Conference - Day 3

Anna Ryabchikova sums up the most interesting reports of the third day of the Conference

LCSR International Conference - Day 2

Maria Batishcheva provided a summary of the day

Family behavior and sexual liberalization in 8 post-Soviet societies (evidence from the 6th wave of the World Values Survey)

A report by Veronica Kostenko at the regular LCSR seminar

Panos Pardalos will be the speaker at the 91st meeting of the GOR working group “Real World Mathematical Optimization”

Panos Pardalos will be the speaker at the 91st meeting of the GOR working group “Real World Mathematical Optimization” which will take place on December, 12-13, 2013

Third LCSR Conference has started

Read a report by Tatiana Stepanenko


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