
LCSR Summer School. Day 3

Pavel Kuzmichev's article

Foresight Training in Manchester

In the middle of the summer, two events, landmark to Foresight experts, took place in Manchester (UK): RADMA R&D management conference, and the annual Foresight training which is considered a “must” and a “quality mark” by all practitioners in the field. The week-long course programme largely consisted of lectures delivered by staff members of the International Research and Educational Foresight Centre, or by its long-standing partners.

LCSR Sociologists in King Arthur's Court

Evgenia Bystrov, Sofya Lopatina and Ekaterina Turanova shared his experience of participating in the Essex Summer School

LCSR Summer School. Day 2

Ruslan Almukhametov's report

LCSR Summer School. Day 1

Ekaterina Turanova talks about the most interesting events of the day

8th ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques

Marharyta Fabrykant talks about her visit in Slovenia

Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling

3rd LCSR Summer School starts today

Summer School at the LSE

Kirill Zhirkow described his participation in the Summer Program at the London School of Economics

Measuring Researchers’ Interest to Solving Major Problems of the Present Day

On 2 and 11 July, 2013 the Higher School of Economics hosted expert workshops “Promising S&T development areas: analysis of research fronts”, organised by the ISSEK’s International Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies. The debates’ results will be taken into account in the course of building the national system of technology foresight.

Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences

Alexander Kustov shared his experience