
A training course "The Development and Evaluation of Social Programs

A training course "The Development and Evaluation of Social Programs" leading by Sebastian Bamberg, professor of Psychology Department, FH Bielefeld University of Applied Science, Germany, took place in the ILSCR on 1-5 October.  It was a part of the training programs "Advanced social psychology: theory, methodology, practice" of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research. Dr Sebastian Bamberg is a specialist with 18 years of experience in the field of social program evaluation.

Results of the ethno-psychological expedition in Koryak Autonomous Area (August 2012)

Prof.  Vladimir Serkin  gave a talk on the results of the ethno-psychological expedition in Koryak Autonomous Area at the research seminar of the ILSCR on 27th September.

Interdisciplinary methodological seminar at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting, Kyiv

On 13-15 September LCSR delegation visited their colleagues in Kyiv

Comparative Economic Studies: State-of-Art and Prospects

From 6 to 8 September 2012 the 12th European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) Conference took place in Paisley (UK). The participants presented the results of the latest research and discussed the problems and prospects of this area.

Comparative Economic Studies: State-of-Art and Prospects

From 6 to 8 September 2012 the 12th European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) Conference took place in Paisley (UK). The participants presented the results of the latest research and discussed the problems and prospects of this area.

‘Foresight-Russia’, issue 3, 2012

A new issue  of the ‘Foresight-Russia’ journal has been published

ICSID seminar at Columbia University

Current research and preliminary results of ICSID's activities in 2011-2012 were presentaed at an open seminar in New York on September 19-21th, 2012.

The Conception and Socio-Cultural Attributes of the Frontier Territories

On September 20 Anna Nemirovskaya presented her collaborative project with Roberto Foa at the LCSR regular seminar

Essex Summer School - Episode II

Olga Gryaznova is telling about her trip to Essex (and Cambridge!)

"Religion, demography and attitudes toward civil marriage in Israel 1969–2009"

Evgenia Bystrov's article has just been published online before print in Current Sociology.